Pets & Animal Pets Cats

Bob the Street Cat True Story

The moment I opened the box and looked at the cover of A Street Cat Named Bob and How He Saved My Life by James Bowen I fell in love with both Bob and James.
Even before I opened the book I was hooked.
I sat looking at the picture of the two of them, Bob draped over James's shoulder with his face right up close to James's face and his paws hanging over James's upper chest.
I could hardly wait to start my read, but I determined to save it until I was ready for bed.
The first chapter got me going and I entered the world of a young man with many personal problems trying to survive by "busking" (playing music on the streets and soliciting money from it).
His universe changed suddenly when he noticed a beat up looking ginger tom cat sleeping near his flat.
Every night I read a chapter or more when I couldn't put the book down.
It was really special to connect up with Bob and James's adventures each night.
Bob seems to possess a kind of magic that makes people (especially women) love him.
The bond between the two was based on common needs that included income, companionship and love.
Instead of struggling alone against a world where they were barely able to survive, they became mates and helped each other to create a better life.
Big tom cats can be very faithful and intelligent.
And Bob is right up there with the top cats.
His street savvy and charming personality helped put food on the table for both.
Bob's loyalty and trust in James enabled him to overcome his demons and find love and trust in himself, his cat and others.
Bob is now a star.
He's gone viral.
There are many excellent dog stories such as the Lassie classics.
But one seldom hears about cats.
This may create a whole new genre.
Bob has many fans all over the world.
The book has become a best seller in the U.
and many other countries.
It's now available in the U.
A at Amazon.
I don't believe the Brits have a monopoly on this wonderful cat tale, even though most of the story takes place in London.
It has a universal message not only for cat lovers but for anyone who likes to see the good guys win over hardship.
When a street cat and a street singer make good it's like the American dream coming true no matter where it happens.
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