- Hair balls are the biggest reason for vomiting in cats, especially with long-haired cats. Hair balls are normal. As cats lick themselves, they ingest loose hair which accumulates in the stomach. Hair balls are the result.
- Regular grooming and brushing will help reduce hair balls. Rubbing a small amount of petroleum jelly on the cat's nose may also help (the cat will lick it off its nose) as it may provide some lubrication for the cat to pass hair balls.
- Vomiting can also be caused when a cat ingests poisons such as antifreeze, drugs and plants. Most plants are poisonous to cats.
- Changes in diet and gastrointestinal problems may also cause vomiting. At first signs of illness, the cat should be taken to the vet. If a cat is sick, repeated vomiting will lead to dehydration.
- This information is not intended to replace veterinary advice. Always contact your veterinarian for questions or advice.
Hair balls
Diet and Illness