Pets & Animal Pets Cats

Ivermectin Treatment for Ear Mites in Cats

    Ear Mites

    • Ear mites live in and around a cat's ear canals. These parasites can, when present, cause inflammations, and they can spread from the cat to other animals in the house. Untreated, ear mites may also cause secondary yeast or bacterial infections in cats.


    • Ear mites cause itching and discomfort to the cat. Cats will scratch their ears and rub their heads to try to get rid of the mites that actually move around their ear canals. A cat owner might notice an odor coming from his cat's ears and see that the cat acts as if she's in pain when anyone tries to touch her ears.


    • A veterinarian will look into the cat's ears with an otoscope, a magnifying apparatus that allows the vet to make a firm diagnosis of ear mites. (Other conditions, such as ear infections, can also cause the symptoms of ear discomfort and itching.)


    • Veterinarians can give cat owners prescriptions for ivermectin, which goes by the brand names of Ivomec, Heartgard, Iverhart Plus, Tri-Heart Plus and Acarexx. Purchase ivermectin at a pet supply store or through the vet's office.

    Application of Ivermectin

    • Ask the vet for the proper dosage of topical ivermectin, depending on the cat's age and size. Clean the cat's ears thoroughly of all wax, dried blood and particles. Massage ivermectin into the cat's ears, ensuring that the medicine enters all nooks and crannies. One massage will usually eliminate the ear mites. Alternately, the vet can administer an injection of ivermectin to treat the ear mites. For most cases, one injection suffices.

    Follow-up Care for Ear Mites

    • Treat the cat for fleas at the same time you treat him for ear mites. Ear mites may live on the cat's body and thrive even after the ivermectin has been discontinued. Flea control medication will eliminate the mites on the cat's body so that they don't re-enter the cat's ears. Treat all the cats in the house for ear mites simultaneously, even if only one cat actually has the mites. Ear mites travel from animal to animal, and while one cat is treated, other animals in the house might have ear mites incubating in their ears, preparing to start the cycle all over again. Ask the vet if she feels that the cat should receive antibiotics to treat a secondary infection that the ear mites might cause.

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