Pets & Animal: Black Cats Picture Gallery 2: Sabrina

Black Cats Picture Gallery 2: Sabrina

October has almost always been known as Black Cat Month, and our cats picture galleries would not be complete without photos of sleek black cats. Indeed, black cats have an avid following year-round.Enjoy these photos of these "home-grown panthers" and if you are fortunate enough to share

Pets & Animal: How to Stop Matted Hair on a Cat

How to Stop Matted Hair on a Cat

Cats with long hair can suffer matting of their fur. Cats shed all the time, and the shed hair can become wrapped up in the hair that's still attached to the cat's skin. Over time, this builds up into a mat of hair that can pull on the cat's skin. Removing the dead hair by brushing and working out s

Pets & Animal: Food for Multiple Cats With Different Body Types

Food for Multiple Cats With Different Body Types

All cats, regardless of size, have the same basic dietary needs. For instance, they all need a lot of protein in their diet, preferably at least 30 percent, plus 10 percent fat in addition to that. Also, being natural carnivores, they should get their protein mainly from meat. You should be careful

Pets & Animal: If Your Cat Is Lethargic, What Should You Do?

If Your Cat Is Lethargic, What Should You Do?

When you cat is lethargic, should you be concerned? The reason you have a lethargic cat depends on so many factors, there is no one answer. Here are a few common factors that may help you decide what to do.

Pets & Animal: Tips for Purchasing a Pedigreed Cat or Kitten

Tips for Purchasing a Pedigreed Cat or Kitten

Price is going to be an important consideration for most buyers; however, in the long run when purchasing a pedigreed cat, it should not be at the top or even near the top of your list of priorities. Learn more about purchasing a pedigreed cat from this guest article by Holly D. Weber

Pets & Animal: Diseases From a Cat Litter Box

Diseases From a Cat Litter Box

Litter boxes are scary places. Lurking in the environment of a litter pan are hundreds upon thousands of microorganisms that, if not handled properly, can make both humans and felines sick.

Pets & Animal: 2010 Memorial Tributes to Special Cats: Sylvester

2010 Memorial Tributes to Special Cats: Sylvester

It is always difficult to say goodbye to a cherished friend, and a tribute is one way of easing the pain while saluting the cats who have brought so much happiness to our lives. Creating a memorial to a cat you have loved and lost is a thoughtful way not only to honor your beloved kitty, but also to

Pets & Animal: Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Emma

Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Emma

Is your cat the cutest cat in the world? is pleased to announce the Cutest Cat Picture Contest. Please read the rules carefully, then submit your Cutest Cat photo by following these Guidelines.

Pets & Animal: Ivermectin Treatment for Ear Mites in Cats

Ivermectin Treatment for Ear Mites in Cats

Many cat owners have experienced the frustration of watching their cat rubbing his head along the couch or a wall or shaking his head as though something has become stuck. When the owner takes the cat to the vet, the vet will immediately check to see if the problem stems from the cat's ears. Ear mit

Pets & Animal: Is That Cat Stray Or Feral?

Is That Cat Stray Or Feral?

How can you tell if a cat is stray or feral? These terms are not interchangeable, but they are used that way most of the time because it can be quite difficult to determine which one applies to a particular cat. So what is the difference?

Pets & Animal: How to Control and Manage Struvite Crystals in Cats

How to Control and Manage Struvite Crystals in Cats

You want the best for your cat's health and it's frustrating to be told that there's nothing you can do to prevent struvite crystals in your cat other than to feed them the prescription cat food. My cat, Furball, had a blocked bladder at 2 years of age, but when I put him on the prescription food t

Pets & Animal: Pregnant Cat Signs

Pregnant Cat Signs

Cat owners often miss the signs of pregnancy until the second trimester of their cat's pregnancy. Some pet owners may notice early behavioral changes as a sign of pregnancy in their cat, but it is not until the second trimester that physical changes associated with feline pregnancy occur. Pet owners

Pets & Animal: How Often Do I Need to Wash My Orphan Kitten?

How Often Do I Need to Wash My Orphan Kitten?

Kittens should remain with their mother for at least five to six weeks to increase their chance for survival. However, sometimes the mother passes away, becomes sick, rejects her litter or deserts them before the kittens can survive on their own. These orphaned kittens need caregivers to take care o

Pets & Animal: Cat Training - It's Not As Hard As It Looks

Cat Training - It's Not As Hard As It Looks

Pets are a great way to fill your house with joy. Many people own pets and enjoy the time they spend with their pets. There are many options for pets. The spectrum ranges anywhere from goldfish to ponies. Many people keep gerbils or hamsters or snakes or turtles.

Pets & Animal: Easy Ways To Improve Your Cat's Behaviour With Catnip

Easy Ways To Improve Your Cat's Behaviour With Catnip

Did you know that catnip can be used to modify your cat's behavior? That is if your cat is in the two thirds of the feline population which possess the inherited gene responsible for producing the classic feline reaction to catnip. What is the "catnip effect"and what causes it?

Pets & Animal: Cat Odor Control

Cat Odor Control

Cats make great companions, but they can also cause tell-tale odors to invade your home. This is especially true for houses with multiple cats, in which a faint musky or ammonia-like cat odor may linger. By choosing the right cat and cleanup products and exercising a little diligence, you can keep y

Pets & Animal: House Cat Care - Dietary and Grooming Needs of Your Pet

House Cat Care - Dietary and Grooming Needs of Your Pet

As you create a loving home for you new tabby, you will need some basic tips in house cat care to keep your new friend happy and healthy. House cats that are fed the correct type of foods will typically live longer and have a healthier life. As a cat owner, you need to be careful of what is feed to