Pets & Animal: How to Raise a Healthy Kitten

How to Raise a Healthy Kitten

Learn how to care for your pet cat from when it first arrives and what you have to do to ensure it will have a healthy life.

Pets & Animal: Healthy Cat Food Promotes Strong Health, Vitality and Longevity

Healthy Cat Food Promotes Strong Health, Vitality and Longevity

Healthy cat food can keep your cat in good health and vitality, ensuring a long life. Unhealthy cat food can be the cause of ill health starting at a young age. Few people disagree with that sentiment. What they do disagree on is what constitutes a healthy cat food. Can there be any human who has al

Pets & Animal: Stop Your Cats Fighting: the Towel Method

Stop Your Cats Fighting: the Towel Method

There could be a valid reason why one, or more, of your cats fight in the home, although determining any of these can be difficult for the owners concerned. A possible reason could be that one of your cats may have a funny or odd smell.

Pets & Animal: How Do You Determine the Sex of a Baby Mouse?

How Do You Determine the Sex of a Baby Mouse?

It is not uncommon for people buying mice to want to know the sex of the mice they are getting. This is either because they don't want them to breed or because they are interested in raising more babies and want to be sure they will be able to. When mice are young, it is a bit tougher to tell the se

Pets & Animal: Simple Tips for Litter Training Your Cat

Simple Tips for Litter Training Your Cat

Cats are creatures of habit. They like what they like, no matter what you may say to them. If they like your chair, then it is now their chair. If they don't like a particular brand of cat food, you'd better buy something better next time. And if they learn how to do their business in a li

Pets & Animal: Cat Allergies - Identifying & Helpful Hints

Cat Allergies - Identifying & Helpful Hints

Is your cat scratching frequently or sneezing often?Does your cat have vomiting and diarrhea?Are you concerned about what is causing it?Read here to learn more and help you in making decisions for your cat that can improve their health.

Pets & Animal: Effective Cat Behavior Modification

Effective Cat Behavior Modification

Cat owners each experience different behavior issues with their own feline friends. Problems range from attention-seeking to aggression, excessive chewing and scratching to urine spraying. These behavior problems may be difficult to change but the better we understand cats, the better we can deal wi

Pets & Animal: Hazardous Foods For Your Cat

Hazardous Foods For Your Cat

The thought of cats often brings about the thoughts of picky eaters. This may be a true statement or it may simply be a comparison to a dog's ability to eat virtually anything. Cats do have an aversion to certain types of human food. On the opposite side, there may be foods they are attracted t

Pets & Animal: How to Feed and Care for Orphaned Kittens

How to Feed and Care for Orphaned Kittens

Over the last 15 years, I have raised nine orphaned kittens. Four of them were two weeks old when their mother was killed; three others were only hours old when their mother died; two more kittens fe...

Pets & Animal: Five Tips for Aversive Training Your Cat

Five Tips for Aversive Training Your Cat

Shredded curtains, knocked over photo frames, and dirt from potted plants all over the floors. What do these things have in common? When put together, they usually mean one of two things - that there's a toddler in the house, or there's a cat in the house. While it's easy enough to te

Pets & Animal: Senior Cats Picture Gallery: Sonny

Senior Cats Picture Gallery: Sonny

If we are very lucky, all of our cats who share our homes will become seniors, and they will share long and happy lives with us. Senior cats are very wise and teach us lessons in acceptance as they stoicly accept their frailties, along with the minstrations of those who love them and are loved by th

Pets & Animal: If You've Recently Lost a Cat Here is the Help You Need

If You've Recently Lost a Cat Here is the Help You Need

I've come to learn that although it is true that you can never replace a cat you've loved and lost, you can fill that empty void in your home and your heart. In my opinion, adopting another kitty from a shelter or an animal rescue group is the finest memorial you can possibly make to the o

Pets & Animal: 2009 White Cats Picture Gallery: Olivia

2009 White Cats Picture Gallery: Olivia

I am pleased to present a new white cats picture gallery for 2009. February is the last big push of winter, and represents the glistening snow that blankets the budding crocuses beneath. You won't feel cold at all, though, with a white February cat to warm your heart and your lap. Our February

Pets & Animal: Care of Balinese Cats

Care of Balinese Cats

Balinese cats are lovable and playful companion pets that are relatively easy to care for. According to the Cat Fancier's Association, Balinese cats are the result of a spontaneous long-haired mutation of the Siamese cat . They tend to be every bit as demonstrative of their affection as Siamese, alt

Pets & Animal: What Is the Cost of Cat Declawing?

What Is the Cost of Cat Declawing?

Deciding to declaw your car should be a serious matter, not only for you, but also more especially for your cat. You may initially think that it would be easy for cats because they tend to not show pain, but in reality they are feeling weak and hurt and they are just hiding it because they are tryin

Pets & Animal: How to Treat My Cat With Feline Leukemia

How to Treat My Cat With Feline Leukemia

According to, feline leukemia is a type of cancer that presents itself in cats infected with the feline leukemia (FeLV) virus. The contagious FeLV virus is considered a "retrovirus" and it is specific only to cats. Although the feline leukemia virus affects only a small percentage o

Pets & Animal: A Kitten's Life

A Kitten's Life

A new kitten comes home to rock the world of two adult cats... and one owner.