- Cats suffering from cystitis urinate much more frequently than usual, typically passing just a few drops of urine each time. Many cats pass blood-stained urine.
- Researchers don't know the exact cause of cystitis in cats. Some possible factors include feline herpes virus, bacterial infections and bladder stones.
- Several lifestyle factors raise a cat's risk of developing cystitis, including obesity, inactivity, neutering and a diet of dry cat food.
- Untreated cystitis can lead to the development of bladder stones. Male felines might experience a blockage in the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the body.
- Vets typically prescribe amoxicillin to kill any bacteria. Many vets recommend cat owners switch to a wet cat food and ensure the infected cat has constant access to fresh water.
- Cats with cystitis will often urinate outside of the litter box on cool, hard surfaces, such as sinks, bathtubs and countertops.
Other Factors