Business & Finance: How to Be A Smart Banker

How to Be A Smart Banker

When you are dealing with money and banking, you have to make smart decisions. Being a smart banker can save you a lot of heartache in the long run. Here are simple steps that will help you to become a smarter banker.

Business & Finance: How to Apply for Social Security Divorced Spousal Support

How to Apply for Social Security Divorced Spousal Support

If you are divorced, you can receive spousal support through Social Security under certain conditions. When you are 62 or older, you can collect benefits based on your ex-spouse's employment if you are now unmarried. You can apply for Social Security divorced spousal support the same way as applying

Business & Finance: Scholarships for Black Young Men

Scholarships for Black Young Men

Success of black men in industry, sports and government has led to the creation of college scholarships with the aim of giving a new generation of black men the assistance they need to attend college. There are now scholarships available for young black men that will pay for tuition, books and housi

Business & Finance: Can You Rollover an Existing IRA Into an HSA?

Can You Rollover an Existing IRA Into an HSA?

HSA accounts are Health Savings Accounts. These accounts are tax-free savings accounts designed to help you save money for medical expenses. Your HSA account can be funded with cash contributions that are pre-tax, but you can also make a one-time transfer of funds from your IRA account.

Business & Finance: How to Open an Orange Savings Bank Account

How to Open an Orange Savings Bank Account

If you need a high-yield savings account that provides safety and liquidity, ING Direct's Orange Savings Account might be what you are looking for. Better yet, you can open this account online without ever visiting a local bank branch. But before you apply for the account, you need to make sure you

Business & Finance: Are There Social Security Benefits for Children of a Person on Disability?

Are There Social Security Benefits for Children of a Person on Disability?

As a rule of thumb, if you are receiving Social Security benefits, you can usually assume that if you have dependent children---meaning children younger than 18 or those who cannot care for themselves because of mental or physical disability---your children will qualify for Social Security benefits.

Business & Finance: Microsoft College Scholarships for Minority Students

Microsoft College Scholarships for Minority Students

One of the largest companies in the world, Microsoft knows the importance of maintaining a qualified and diverse workforce. For this reason, this Washington-based company offers scholarships to undergraduate students seeking degrees in areas of study related to computer science and computer engineer

Business & Finance: MassHealth Income Guidelines

MassHealth Income Guidelines

MassHealth is a program that mandates all Massachusetts residents to obtain health insurance. Those who are unable to afford coverage are then eligible for a free, state-sponsored insurance program, which provides a minimum amount of care. Applicants must satisfy a range of maximum income guidelines

Business & Finance: When Is Property Considered Abandoned in California?

When Is Property Considered Abandoned in California?

Citizens in California are expected to move all personal belongings, including furniture, electronics and clothing, when they vacate a property. Failure to remove property may result in the property being considered abandoned and disposed of by the property owner. Landlords must follow procedures se

Business & Finance: How to Find Local Jobs for Teenagers

How to Find Local Jobs for Teenagers

According to the United States Department of Labor, millions of teenagers have part-time or summer jobs. Not only do working teens earn money for themselves, many contribute to their family and community too. Young teens, under the age of 14, can deliver newspapers, babysit and work for their parent

Business & Finance: Grant Money for Myasthenia Gravis

Grant Money for Myasthenia Gravis

Myasthenia Gravis is a chronic disease that affects the neuromuscular system. Communication between the nerves and muscles is impaired, which leads to muscle fatigue. In severe cases, it can be fatal. Various grants are available for different things related to Myastenia Gravis. You can find researc

Business & Finance: How to Make a Creative Bookcase

How to Make a Creative Bookcase

Every household needs a good bookcase, a furniture item that doesn't take up much space but gives back so much when it comes to decorating. Bookcases do more than just provide shelter to books; they are a means of displaying knickknacks, antiques, photographs, statuettes and other precious items. If

Business & Finance: New Jersey Rent Assistance Programs

New Jersey Rent Assistance Programs

Programs are available to help residents of New Jersey afford their rent.home sweet home image by David Dorner from Fotolia.comMany people find it difficult to pay their rent for a variety of reasons, including divorce, job loss, returning to school and extra expenses such as having a new...

Business & Finance: Citibank CD Rates might be the Best for You

Citibank CD Rates might be the Best for You

With the recent news about the Citibank Wachovia acquisition, we thought we would delve deeper into the Citibank CD rates. Citibank is among the largest banks in the United States and several million Americans already ...

Business & Finance: How Does a Cash Envelope Budgeting System Work?

How Does a Cash Envelope Budgeting System Work?

Overview of an Envelope Cash Budgeting SystemA cash envelope budget system is an old money management strategy that is making a comeback. The basics are simple. All you need to get started is a bunch of envelopes, a notebook, a pen and your paycheck. The results of the envelope cash...

Business & Finance: The Salary of a Case Manager in Illinois

The Salary of a Case Manager in Illinois

Helping people while earning a decent wage is what case managers do every day. Though they help a variety of people with problems ranging from domestic violence to not having health insurance to cover a procedure, social case managers are increasingly working with elderly health care issues. In fact