Business & Finance: What Are 401(k) & 403B Rollover Rules?

What Are 401(k) & 403B Rollover Rules?

Handle your retirement cash with image by Alexey Klementiev from Fotolia.comWhether you are moving on to a lucrative new opportunity or the victim of an unforeseen layoff, what you do with the money in your 401k or 403b plan is critical. If you are not careful, you could end up...

Business & Finance: The Steps to Apply for Social Security

The Steps to Apply for Social Security

Social Security offers three major benefits, and whichever of these benefits you apply for, the process and requirements are similar. You cannot apply for survivor benefits online. Social Security benefits are funded from Federal Insurance Contributions Act taxes paid by 96 percent of the workers in

Business & Finance: Can I Withdraw Money From My IRA If I'm Disabled?

Can I Withdraw Money From My IRA If I'm Disabled?

Becoming disabled is not always just a physical issue for many. It can also burden financial resources. Your Individual Retirement Account is accessible if you become disabled. Depending on your level of disability and expected recovery time, IRA distributions will be taxed and possibly penalized by

Business & Finance: Health Disability Grants & Scholarships

Health Disability Grants & Scholarships

If you have a health disability, begin your scholarship search by targeting awards specific to your condition. If you have recovered from a serious illness or condition, you may be eligible for health disability scholarships, too. Associations for different diseases and health conditions sometimes p

Business & Finance: How to Apply for YVCC Student Loans

How to Apply for YVCC Student Loans

With tuition costs constantly rising, college students commonly take out student loans to finance their education. The financial aid department of Yakima Valley Community College in Yakima, Washington, has outlined a very clear application process for students to follow in order to obtain loans and

Business & Finance: How Much Are Forensic Scientists Paid Per Year?

How Much Are Forensic Scientists Paid Per Year?

A forensic scientist investigates crimes by collecting crime scene evidence and using scientific techniques to analyze the data the evidence yields. A forensic scientist works closely with government officials and police officers in order to help solve crimes. Other tasks may include reconstructing

Business & Finance: How to Report Past-Due Accounts

How to Report Past-Due Accounts

Past due accounts can happen to all people, from retailers who fail to make a payment to a vendor for purchased goods to college students who must make loan payments. The academic institution or company follows certain reporting procedures regarding these accounts. Collections departments, either in

Business & Finance: How the Gold Price is Affected

How the Gold Price is Affected

For anyone who seeks fortune, gold price is considered to be of solid foundation as what is seen throughout the history of mankind. These days, nevertheless, gold price is actually regarded as the actual representation ...

Business & Finance: The Risks of an International Wire Transfer

The Risks of an International Wire Transfer

Because of the many risks associated with international wire transfers, most transactions are tracked by governments. Wire transfers are electronic transactions that move funds from one bank to a different foreign bank. Most banks try to deal with the risk of these transactions, but additional real-

Business & Finance: How to Update VersaCheck Software MIPS in Windows XP

How to Update VersaCheck Software MIPS in Windows XP

VersaCheck MIPS, also called VersaCheck, helps you manage accounts. You can write checks and send them directly from the program. You can operate the software as a standalone program or integrate it with other accounting software. If you have recently purchased new accounting software, you might nee

Business & Finance: Can I Receive Unemployment If Forced to Quit a Job in Michigan?

Can I Receive Unemployment If Forced to Quit a Job in Michigan?

Quitting a job often leaves you ineligible to receive unemployment benefits as a Michigan resident. The benefits program is for workers who have lost jobs and are not at fault, and thus also excludes workers who have received terminations for misconduct. In some cases, however, you can quit a job an

Business & Finance: How to Get Your FICO Credit Score

How to Get Your FICO Credit Score

FICO uses a proprietary algorithm to convert the data in your credit report into a number. According to myFICO, 35 percent of the score reflects how well you pay your bills, 30 percent is the amount of debt you have, 15 percent measures the average length of your credit history, 10 percent is the mi

Business & Finance: Guidelines for Florida Food Stamp Eligibility

Guidelines for Florida Food Stamp Eligibility

Formerly known as the Food Stamp Program, the Florida Food Assistance Program is part of the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The plan helps low-income Florida residents buy food. Eligibility for food stamps depends on your household size and income. Household members includ

Business & Finance: How to Manage Your Own IRA

How to Manage Your Own IRA

Managing an IRA by yourself can be fairly straightforward, especially if you are investing for the long term and don't plan on making significant changes to your investment portfolio. While it's convenient to have a financial planner take care of your investments, this can be expensive. You'll want

Business & Finance: What Can I Buy With My Food Stamp EBT Card?

What Can I Buy With My Food Stamp EBT Card?

The federal government administers the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, for low-income families that cannot afford the cost of their monthly food bill. Families receive an electronics benefit card that works at most grocery stores, farmers markets and some smaller local stores tha

Business & Finance: Does Joint Custody Affect Child Support Payments?

Does Joint Custody Affect Child Support Payments?

Separated or separating parents of minor children may be completely unconcerned with the financial aspects of their breakup, but most couples will have to at some point address the issue of child support. While the parties may not consider the maximization or minimization of child support an importa

Business & Finance: How Can I Get Free Food?

How Can I Get Free Food?

These are trying times, and many of us are doing everything we can just to make it. Most people don't know that there are a lot of ways to get free food in this country. With a little effort and a little time, you can be saving hundreds on your grocery bill.

Business & Finance: What Happens If I Don't Pay the Bounced Check Fees?

What Happens If I Don't Pay the Bounced Check Fees?

When you overdraw your bank account, your financial institution can charge you an overdraft fee or bounced check fee even if it decides not to honor the check. Your bank debits the fee directly from your account, which means that the fee itself could cause your account to go into the negative. If yo

Business & Finance: What Is ABA Routing?

What Is ABA Routing?

The ABA routing number refers to a series of numbers that is required to appear at the bottom of a check. ABA stands for American Bankers Association, the organization that developed and manages the assignment of ABA numbers.

Business & Finance: How to File for a VA Disability

How to File for a VA Disability

According to the Veteran's Administration (VA), VA disability compensation is paid to veterans who sustained injuries or acquired diseases while on active duty or had existing conditions made worse by the military service. Another situation in which benefits may be paid is when a veteran becomes dis