- Find your local food bank. A food bank is a place where food is collected for people in need. Most of this food comes from grocery stores and is food that is close to expiring or has damaged packaging. Call your local food bank and find out their procedure. Sometimes they will put together boxes for you or you will be allowed to walk through and choose items. Many times these distributors have an overflow of certain items, such as bread or vegetables that are about to go bad. They will actually encourage you to take as much as you can. If you have a freezer or know how to can, you can really stock up on good foods.
- Visit a shelter. Homeless shelters usually serve at least one free meal a day, and will often give out sandwiches or other items to take with you. Most shelters run on food from a food bank or a similar system which involves stores and restaurants giving away food that is still good. These items are often high quality, expensive items. A meal at a shelter can be nearly as good as a high class restaurant. Also, you might consider volunteering at the shelter. You will get a free meal, food to take home and the good feeling of helping others.
- Find a local church that gives out food boxes or has dinners that you can attend for free. Most churches want to help others and have systems set up for this purpose. Usually churches also have free cookies and other treats available after their services, and may have an annual church picnic which anyone can attend. These are often fun events and have an amazing array of home-made potluck food.
- Learn how to use coupons effectively. Find out what stores will double or triple your coupons, then read their ads and plan your grocery trip accordingly. Be prepared to stock up on good deals and to wait for sales. Also, keep your eyes open for clearance items. When items are approaching their expiration, stores will often keep discounting them to get rid of them.
Food Banks