Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Furniture Required For A Hospital

Furniture Required For A Hospital

Hospital furniture which refers to all movable furniture which helps to support human body like seatings, beds, dressing trolleys, foot steps etc.. advanced technology based goods is needed to make human support comfort.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Types of Decorating Book

Types of Decorating Book

Decorating Book is one of the best guides that help you to prepare your favorite places and things. In simple words you can beautify your house, garden, office, cakes, cookies, etc. It has the best ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Cheney the Troll

Cheney the Troll

A photoshopped picture depicting Dick Cheney as a troll.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Peter Sellers - Comedian

Peter Sellers - Comedian

The Comic Genius of Peter Sellers. A look at his life and films including the very popular Pink Panther films and Dr Strangelove.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: She's Out of My League - Movie Review

She's Out of My League - Movie Review

Read a review of the 2010 comedy movie She's Out of My League, starring Jay Baruchel, Alice Eve and stand-up comedian T.J. Miller.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Queen McCain

Queen McCain

A funny photo parody depicting John McCain as Queen of the USA.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: 10 More Silly Lorry Stories!

10 More Silly Lorry Stories!

Generating wild and wacky news stories may not be in a lorry driver's job description, but it seems to be one of their talents. Here is another set of hilarious lorry stories which will make you laugh out loud.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Five Things You Can Only Do If You're a Ghost

Five Things You Can Only Do If You're a Ghost

Death and taxes, they happen to everyone, and while taxes happen on a daily basis, death usually happens but once. So I say, if you have to go, then why not enjoy the trip. Not ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Escape Clause to the Marriage Contract

Escape Clause to the Marriage Contract

I'm 36 and never married. I was thinking maybe part of my fear of marriage is the marriage contract itself. I think it's time to renegotiate. I was thinking that if we approached marriage like ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: My Personal Voyage of Discovery

My Personal Voyage of Discovery

On a recent voyage via auto vehicle, several discoveries were made. Passing gas when trapped inside a car doesn't mean you give gas to someone in need of roadside assistance. If there happens to be four people in a very small car, only a DNA analysis can confirm the culprit of the new gaseous c

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Tax Man Cometh

The Tax Man Cometh

Someone once said that there are only two things in life that are certain: death and taxes. I would argue that death and taxes are really one and the same, the only difference being that death can only claim you once, while taxes can kill you every year. I die a slow death every April 15th.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Making The Primary Reconnection

Making The Primary Reconnection

So, you might be missing them and you happen to be beginning to desire their company. Making the primary reconnection isn't easy. How will your ex react? But, without reconnection, he or she will remain forever clueless in your real feelings. So, prepare yourself, you must make the effort to ma

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How To Do Stand Up Comedy

How To Do Stand Up Comedy

Do you know how to make people laugh so hard? Do you know how to be a successful standup comedian? It may sound easy, but the steps are quite complicated. Find it all out here.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: This Election Year's A Gas!

This Election Year's A Gas!

This week, the new numbers came out, and wow! The president's approval number is now 5.29.9, and gas is at 41%... of your life savings. And they've stopped putting a number on unemployment - the Bureau of Labored Statistics is simply calling it "dang near all y'all"....

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Funny Videos - The Craziest Videos You Have Ever Seen

Funny Videos - The Craziest Videos You Have Ever Seen

In the 21st century what regular American Joe does not like a super funny video or some one doing something ridiculous or falling off of something? To some people they think a funny video is watching your local movie star run or just a regular guy run into a tree and be shot out of the front window.