A multiple choice question for you! What country of the following five countries would be considered the most warlike: a.
the former USSR, b.
Russia today, c.
Israel, d.
The United States, e.
North Korea? The obvious answer is, d.
the United States.
The U.
has, on its own initiative, entered into the Korean War and then the Vietnam War.
We were involved in Lebanon, Kosovo, Panama, two wars with Iraq, Afghanistan and we invaded Granada.
We bankrolled trouble in Iran before its revolution and in Guatemala.
The U.
S, secrete involvement in Chile and many other places was exposed after the fact by accident.
Note, all of these actions were voluntary.
Not one of these countries ever openly attacked or was aggressive towards the U.
In operations where we did enjoy other countries participating, the United States was always the instigator and led in supplying the majority of troops and equipment.
Except for the USSR in Afghanistan and North Korea attacking South Korea, what other country initiated any war? Our basic lifestyle includes many citizens owning arms such as: rifles, pistols and multi-firing guns.
These multi-firing guns can't be used for hunting, self-protection or even for target practice.
In the past most popular movies were about gun-fighting cowboys.
Today there are many styles of military groups training regularly.
We have ROTC programs and army reserve training in schools.
Our country keeps military bases in many countries around the world.
Senator John McCain, senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, upon visiting Afghanistan stated on February 22nd that our country should maintain a base in that country, only for our military benefit.
What kind of military advantage could we benefit from in that isolated country? How could we support it, or more importantly against what countries, or even why? When talking about Iraq a very respected and honored senior marine general, Lt.
General James Mattis stated, "It is fun shooting people.
" What more can we do to protect ourselves has become the U.
way of thinking as a country.
We respond by developing more and better aggressive weapons.
The current Bush administration is asking for additional money to upgrade and develop more atomic weapons.
The U.
exceeds the budgets on its many aggressive weapons, using the continual ruse of defense.
Yet, our country spends a pittance on actual defense against terrorists.
We continually build weapon systems to defend against no known enemy.
We then create enemies out of countries which in no way can directly affront or hurt us.
The currently used military planning revokes the balance or power theory that stood us so well through the standoff with the USSR, a major power then.
Iraq's threat was overblown.
Iraq was a country that had a long and costly standoff in its war with Iran, and was humiliated in the Gulf War.
Yet Iraq was played up as a threat and a major military challenge.
The other current bogeyman is North Korea.
North Korea is a country without any navy, air force, modern weapons (other than potential atomic weapons) and can't even feed its people.
North Korea has no oil reserves.
Is that a threat? Here is a fact that no one will disclose.
Today, admittedly, our country's economy is 80% services.
That means the balance is in manufacturing.
We all know that the major manufacturing companies have outsourced production.
Just look at our auto industry and our motion picture industry.
Therefore, a major portion of that 20% manufacturing has to be the huge amount of money our government spends on armaments.
How wonderful for making basic capital investments for the future of our country.
Probably our fantastic growth rate is made up of government's increased spending on these armaments.
Has the point been proven? The United States is the most warlike.
the former USSR, b.
Russia today, c.
Israel, d.
The United States, e.
North Korea? The obvious answer is, d.
the United States.
The U.
has, on its own initiative, entered into the Korean War and then the Vietnam War.
We were involved in Lebanon, Kosovo, Panama, two wars with Iraq, Afghanistan and we invaded Granada.
We bankrolled trouble in Iran before its revolution and in Guatemala.
The U.
S, secrete involvement in Chile and many other places was exposed after the fact by accident.
Note, all of these actions were voluntary.
Not one of these countries ever openly attacked or was aggressive towards the U.
In operations where we did enjoy other countries participating, the United States was always the instigator and led in supplying the majority of troops and equipment.
Except for the USSR in Afghanistan and North Korea attacking South Korea, what other country initiated any war? Our basic lifestyle includes many citizens owning arms such as: rifles, pistols and multi-firing guns.
These multi-firing guns can't be used for hunting, self-protection or even for target practice.
In the past most popular movies were about gun-fighting cowboys.
Today there are many styles of military groups training regularly.
We have ROTC programs and army reserve training in schools.
Our country keeps military bases in many countries around the world.
Senator John McCain, senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, upon visiting Afghanistan stated on February 22nd that our country should maintain a base in that country, only for our military benefit.
What kind of military advantage could we benefit from in that isolated country? How could we support it, or more importantly against what countries, or even why? When talking about Iraq a very respected and honored senior marine general, Lt.
General James Mattis stated, "It is fun shooting people.
" What more can we do to protect ourselves has become the U.
way of thinking as a country.
We respond by developing more and better aggressive weapons.
The current Bush administration is asking for additional money to upgrade and develop more atomic weapons.
The U.
exceeds the budgets on its many aggressive weapons, using the continual ruse of defense.
Yet, our country spends a pittance on actual defense against terrorists.
We continually build weapon systems to defend against no known enemy.
We then create enemies out of countries which in no way can directly affront or hurt us.
The currently used military planning revokes the balance or power theory that stood us so well through the standoff with the USSR, a major power then.
Iraq's threat was overblown.
Iraq was a country that had a long and costly standoff in its war with Iran, and was humiliated in the Gulf War.
Yet Iraq was played up as a threat and a major military challenge.
The other current bogeyman is North Korea.
North Korea is a country without any navy, air force, modern weapons (other than potential atomic weapons) and can't even feed its people.
North Korea has no oil reserves.
Is that a threat? Here is a fact that no one will disclose.
Today, admittedly, our country's economy is 80% services.
That means the balance is in manufacturing.
We all know that the major manufacturing companies have outsourced production.
Just look at our auto industry and our motion picture industry.
Therefore, a major portion of that 20% manufacturing has to be the huge amount of money our government spends on armaments.
How wonderful for making basic capital investments for the future of our country.
Probably our fantastic growth rate is made up of government's increased spending on these armaments.
Has the point been proven? The United States is the most warlike.