In early 2008 the eighty two year old mother of a close friend assured me that this fellow, Obama would capture the Democratic nomination for president.
I thought to myself she must be having a "sometimer's moment.
" I had heard his inspiring speech to the 2004 convention, I was aware of his great communication skills.
But I thought to myself also that this country was not yet prepared to elect an African-American Commander in Chief.
But my elderly friend Mem, was adamant that of all those seeking the Presidentcy, he appeared to be the strongest candidate.
Despite her White, Anglo, Saxon, Protestant demographic, I just did not see it happening! Then the primaries started of which we all know the results but I was astonished, speechless, and a bit taken aback.
Had the "goode ole boy network'" completely lost their influence? As the campaign continued I started to become impressed by his thick skin.
Then there was the debate between Hilary and the President when to some comment to her he responded with, " who am I running against, you or your husband?" At that moment I became a believer in what he was attempting to do, no matter how unlikely.
I remained a ardent supporter of his up until the Arizona scandal emerged.
I think it important here to inject the fact that I too am from an Africa-American father and German mother as about Aryan as one can get.
His general attitude that what Arizona was doing was unacceptable! I concluded that of course he would do somethings that I would oppose.
When he became even more mute about certain threats by other states not to do business with Arizona until and unless this law was repealed, my confidense continued waning.
Punish one of our own states because they decdided to impose legislation that would aid them in flushing out illegals and have them return to where it was they came here from.
This submission to radical fringe of his own party, in my eyes, diminished his seemily strong leadership skill set he appeared to possess.
The states considering any sanctions against Arizona are confused which side of this they should be on! Well, in my view there is only one side and that is on the side of a member in good standing of this great nation.
Punish them for enforcing a law that precludes individuals from entering this country in the manner in which they did.
We are faced with the most challenging environmental hazard within historical record keeping.
If you are here legally and are a law abiding member of the community, then what is so egregiuos with this legislation that some would consider boycotting one of our own.
This will set a dangerous precedent for future generations, if a very serious threat to our national security exists because of what was done in 2010! I have steadfastly held the opinion that President O'Bama will serve one term only, and standing on the side of the issue that he is only convinces me more of that eventuality!
I thought to myself she must be having a "sometimer's moment.
" I had heard his inspiring speech to the 2004 convention, I was aware of his great communication skills.
But I thought to myself also that this country was not yet prepared to elect an African-American Commander in Chief.
But my elderly friend Mem, was adamant that of all those seeking the Presidentcy, he appeared to be the strongest candidate.
Despite her White, Anglo, Saxon, Protestant demographic, I just did not see it happening! Then the primaries started of which we all know the results but I was astonished, speechless, and a bit taken aback.
Had the "goode ole boy network'" completely lost their influence? As the campaign continued I started to become impressed by his thick skin.
Then there was the debate between Hilary and the President when to some comment to her he responded with, " who am I running against, you or your husband?" At that moment I became a believer in what he was attempting to do, no matter how unlikely.
I remained a ardent supporter of his up until the Arizona scandal emerged.
I think it important here to inject the fact that I too am from an Africa-American father and German mother as about Aryan as one can get.
His general attitude that what Arizona was doing was unacceptable! I concluded that of course he would do somethings that I would oppose.
When he became even more mute about certain threats by other states not to do business with Arizona until and unless this law was repealed, my confidense continued waning.
Punish one of our own states because they decdided to impose legislation that would aid them in flushing out illegals and have them return to where it was they came here from.
This submission to radical fringe of his own party, in my eyes, diminished his seemily strong leadership skill set he appeared to possess.
The states considering any sanctions against Arizona are confused which side of this they should be on! Well, in my view there is only one side and that is on the side of a member in good standing of this great nation.
Punish them for enforcing a law that precludes individuals from entering this country in the manner in which they did.
We are faced with the most challenging environmental hazard within historical record keeping.
If you are here legally and are a law abiding member of the community, then what is so egregiuos with this legislation that some would consider boycotting one of our own.
This will set a dangerous precedent for future generations, if a very serious threat to our national security exists because of what was done in 2010! I have steadfastly held the opinion that President O'Bama will serve one term only, and standing on the side of the issue that he is only convinces me more of that eventuality!