Charles Rangel, chairman of the House of Representatives Ways & Means Committee has been receiving unusual press coverage.
His committee, the most powerful in Congress, writes all tax law, and we all know that in Congress the writers are more powerful than the readers.
As a seasoned writer of tax law Congressman Charlie cannot claim ignorance when it comes to compliance in paying his own taxes.
However, the wrongdoing he is accused of is not failure to pay; it is making false statements under oath.
No need for a trial, he has admitted guilt.
I am wrestling with several questions: First, The IRS did not charge Charlie interest on his shortfall payments.
That is even a better deal than the Federal Reserve has for Banks & Wall Street.
Secondly, they also waived any & all penalties for noncompliance.
Only Americans who admit using a Swiss bank account to hide taxable income get that deal! Thirdly, New York State has income tax laws, so why are they as silent as a deaf mute in the grave concerning Charlie? Now any thinking fifth grade student would answer that all control of these State & Federal agencies is presently Democratic.
Good answer, but Republicans were in charge for the eight years or longer that Mister Charlie pulled off his capers.
Fifth, do we think Charlie & our Treasury cabinet officer Mr.
Geithner, both admitted tax cheats, can be trusted to collect & run our tax system? Maybe we didn't chase Charlie because Gitmo was filled up by President Bush.
It is our only warm weather country club prison.
We must remember Charlie has property in the area.
Funny he always forgot at tax time.
Now our new prize wining President is closing Gitmo, out of beds for special people.
Charlie the chair can write a special law to allow prizes given away as gifts to be written off as a tax credit.
My bonus hold in this wrestling event is this - will my grandkids' history books share Goodtime Charlie's story as a reason they each are paying off a million dollar debit card?
His committee, the most powerful in Congress, writes all tax law, and we all know that in Congress the writers are more powerful than the readers.
As a seasoned writer of tax law Congressman Charlie cannot claim ignorance when it comes to compliance in paying his own taxes.
However, the wrongdoing he is accused of is not failure to pay; it is making false statements under oath.
No need for a trial, he has admitted guilt.
I am wrestling with several questions: First, The IRS did not charge Charlie interest on his shortfall payments.
That is even a better deal than the Federal Reserve has for Banks & Wall Street.
Secondly, they also waived any & all penalties for noncompliance.
Only Americans who admit using a Swiss bank account to hide taxable income get that deal! Thirdly, New York State has income tax laws, so why are they as silent as a deaf mute in the grave concerning Charlie? Now any thinking fifth grade student would answer that all control of these State & Federal agencies is presently Democratic.
Good answer, but Republicans were in charge for the eight years or longer that Mister Charlie pulled off his capers.
Fifth, do we think Charlie & our Treasury cabinet officer Mr.
Geithner, both admitted tax cheats, can be trusted to collect & run our tax system? Maybe we didn't chase Charlie because Gitmo was filled up by President Bush.
It is our only warm weather country club prison.
We must remember Charlie has property in the area.
Funny he always forgot at tax time.
Now our new prize wining President is closing Gitmo, out of beds for special people.
Charlie the chair can write a special law to allow prizes given away as gifts to be written off as a tax credit.
My bonus hold in this wrestling event is this - will my grandkids' history books share Goodtime Charlie's story as a reason they each are paying off a million dollar debit card?