Sometimes when everything seems to be going perfect with you and your online date; some negative feelings just creep. Making you think that maye it's just too good to be true or what not. This kind of mentallity should be avoided in dating, sometimes the issues that we face are the ones we make by ourselves. Whenever you get to face some chemistry issues, keep yourself in check.
So here's a reality check for you; some real life dating problems and the correct approach to fix them.
Dating Rut #1: I've been igniting the flame but still NO SPARKS! Answer: Forget all the romance and focus more on the "friend factor"
You may have found countless matches but no matter what you do, date after date- there just seems to be no spark, no chemistry, not even an ember! All of your relationships have no improvement and is not heading anywhere. Okay, give yourself and your dates a breather. Whenever you date someone, don't pounce on the idea of a head over heels chemistry and connection in a snap of a finger. After that, when you get turned off several times you start to think that dating is a waste of time. No it's not! Just change your line of thought from finding that romantic spark to friend factor. Take it easy. Putting friendship before finding the right one can reveal unexpected and pleasant surprises. Having friendship in mind takes the pressure off the date by learning more about the person, and finding common ground and interests instead of turning them down whenever you think your flame is doused. More likely, chemistry can develop later just be consistent.
Dating Rut #2: Your date's profile looks perfect! But is it really? Answer: Your personal feelings versus your future dates profile
Pay attention to yourself this time: how do you feel when you're with him versus how he says he is on his profile. Chemistry, it just doesn't mean having that instant connection in your first meeting. Okay, he might be the perfect date for a start; amazing qualities and physically attractive. So you are now going out and you just love his gregariousness, however, can you level with his gregariousness? Or you rather turn compliant instead of your usual self? Don't just ask yourself: "do I like this person?" but more importantly, "do I like who I become whenever I'm with him or her?".
So here are two of the most common chemistry problems in online dating. So have you found yourself in one or both of these problems? Now, here are just a few tips for you to finally fix them! Make sure that you get the right kind of chemistry going htis time.
So here's a reality check for you; some real life dating problems and the correct approach to fix them.
Dating Rut #1: I've been igniting the flame but still NO SPARKS! Answer: Forget all the romance and focus more on the "friend factor"
You may have found countless matches but no matter what you do, date after date- there just seems to be no spark, no chemistry, not even an ember! All of your relationships have no improvement and is not heading anywhere. Okay, give yourself and your dates a breather. Whenever you date someone, don't pounce on the idea of a head over heels chemistry and connection in a snap of a finger. After that, when you get turned off several times you start to think that dating is a waste of time. No it's not! Just change your line of thought from finding that romantic spark to friend factor. Take it easy. Putting friendship before finding the right one can reveal unexpected and pleasant surprises. Having friendship in mind takes the pressure off the date by learning more about the person, and finding common ground and interests instead of turning them down whenever you think your flame is doused. More likely, chemistry can develop later just be consistent.
Dating Rut #2: Your date's profile looks perfect! But is it really? Answer: Your personal feelings versus your future dates profile
Pay attention to yourself this time: how do you feel when you're with him versus how he says he is on his profile. Chemistry, it just doesn't mean having that instant connection in your first meeting. Okay, he might be the perfect date for a start; amazing qualities and physically attractive. So you are now going out and you just love his gregariousness, however, can you level with his gregariousness? Or you rather turn compliant instead of your usual self? Don't just ask yourself: "do I like this person?" but more importantly, "do I like who I become whenever I'm with him or her?".
So here are two of the most common chemistry problems in online dating. So have you found yourself in one or both of these problems? Now, here are just a few tips for you to finally fix them! Make sure that you get the right kind of chemistry going htis time.