The Demediacrats Just Want To Pump Up Your Dependence This week, the new numbers came out, and wow! The president's approval number is now 5.
9, and gas is at 41%...
of your life savings.
And they've stopped putting a number on unemployment - the Bureau of Labored Statistics is simply calling it "dang near all y'all.
" It's easy to get all mad about the skyrocketing price of gas, but that's just because you don't get it.
We need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, at ANY price, and the best way to do that is (apparently) to stop producing any oil ourselves and to signal the market to let the gouging begin! The Secretary of Energy recently appeared before a Senate committee, where he was reminded that once (just before he landed that sweet job) he said he wanted American gas prices to climb up to the level Europeans pay (about eight bucks a gallon at the time).
He said he no longer held that view.
When pressed, he was all like something to the effect of "Well, see, what had happened was, your Honor, and the, you know, when I was appointed, and, working to represent the U.
government, and those gas prices, you know, well, and, I know you are, but what am I?" Which cleared everything right up.
It's tricky, the whole environmental/energy equation.
If you were the smartest president ever, though, you'd know how to fix everything.
You'd choke off domestic supply; bomb the Libyan oil fields; blame Bush; pour taxpayer dollars into failed "green" companies; take credit for any domestic supply you somehow missed (neglecting to point out that supply was put in place by the preceding administration); blame Bush; point out that prices were high last time you were running for president, too, and that Bush did nothing about it; point out that, nowadays, there's really nothing a president can do about gas prices; pour billions (with a bill) of taxpayer dough into foreign oil companies, and get them to drill (with shakier technology) in areas you won't let American companies touch; blame Bush; trot out some fuzzy (made up) numbers about the percentage of the world's oil supply America has versus how much we use; spend millions on a crony company that ends up making $50 light bulbs (using God-knows-how-much petroleum); pour bazillions into electric cars no one buys and which, if they did, would eventually produce toxic mountains of spent batteries; and blame Bush.
And that's just for starters! I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see what the next four years will bring, once the president's re-elected.
He'll be able to slow down his campaigning a little, and focus even more on brilliant solutions like the ones we've seen so far.
I'm sure he's got PLENTY more boffo ideas in the tank; and if that doesn't get you pumped, a pox on you for a Republican, a tea partier, or even a business owner.
It's like affordable gas: you don't get it, and you never will.
9, and gas is at 41%...
of your life savings.
And they've stopped putting a number on unemployment - the Bureau of Labored Statistics is simply calling it "dang near all y'all.
" It's easy to get all mad about the skyrocketing price of gas, but that's just because you don't get it.
We need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, at ANY price, and the best way to do that is (apparently) to stop producing any oil ourselves and to signal the market to let the gouging begin! The Secretary of Energy recently appeared before a Senate committee, where he was reminded that once (just before he landed that sweet job) he said he wanted American gas prices to climb up to the level Europeans pay (about eight bucks a gallon at the time).
He said he no longer held that view.
When pressed, he was all like something to the effect of "Well, see, what had happened was, your Honor, and the, you know, when I was appointed, and, working to represent the U.
government, and those gas prices, you know, well, and, I know you are, but what am I?" Which cleared everything right up.
It's tricky, the whole environmental/energy equation.
If you were the smartest president ever, though, you'd know how to fix everything.
You'd choke off domestic supply; bomb the Libyan oil fields; blame Bush; pour taxpayer dollars into failed "green" companies; take credit for any domestic supply you somehow missed (neglecting to point out that supply was put in place by the preceding administration); blame Bush; point out that prices were high last time you were running for president, too, and that Bush did nothing about it; point out that, nowadays, there's really nothing a president can do about gas prices; pour billions (with a bill) of taxpayer dough into foreign oil companies, and get them to drill (with shakier technology) in areas you won't let American companies touch; blame Bush; trot out some fuzzy (made up) numbers about the percentage of the world's oil supply America has versus how much we use; spend millions on a crony company that ends up making $50 light bulbs (using God-knows-how-much petroleum); pour bazillions into electric cars no one buys and which, if they did, would eventually produce toxic mountains of spent batteries; and blame Bush.
And that's just for starters! I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see what the next four years will bring, once the president's re-elected.
He'll be able to slow down his campaigning a little, and focus even more on brilliant solutions like the ones we've seen so far.
I'm sure he's got PLENTY more boffo ideas in the tank; and if that doesn't get you pumped, a pox on you for a Republican, a tea partier, or even a business owner.
It's like affordable gas: you don't get it, and you never will.