Society & Culture & Entertainment Jokes & Riddles & Humor

My Personal Voyage of Discovery

On a recent voyage via auto vehicle, several discoveries were made.
Passing gas when trapped inside a car doesn't mean you give gas to someone in need of roadside assistance.
If there happens to be four people in a very small car, only a DNA analysis can confirm the culprit of the new gaseous cloud looming overhead.
The cloud may potentially be seen if it's dark outside, and the dome light is turned on.
One should never write an article when still exhausted from a long trip (something I'm learning at the present moment).
When visiting my father for the first time in 25 years (he's been deceased these past 25 years), I realized I was correct when I told myself I was probably wrong about my expectations.
This is not to say it wasn't a nice visit - it just wasn't how I pictured it in my mind.
Visiting a dead relative may not be very exciting, but I highly recommend it, and I personally would like to make it an annual event for myself and my co-trippers.
It would have been nice if my father didn't commit suicide, but since I've tried it myself in the past, I can now put myself where he was at the moment of his death.
That's called "closure.
" I was eight years old at the time of death, and the casket was closed during the funeral due to him not having much of a face left.
A closed casket funeral with no suicide note leaves very little in the way of closure.
People who seem stupid are not necessarily stupid, but rather severely distracted from intelligence.
Those who don't fall into that category may simply be severely distracted.
This subject came up when my fellow trippers were discussing President Bush.
Water is more expensive than gas, according to an article I read in TIME Magazine (If I'd taken the time to perform some simple arithmetic, I would have been able to figure that out myself).
Now I'm confused to as to whether or not I'm getting a good deal on gasoline these days.
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