Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Practical Joke Bumper Stickers - The Art of Pranking a Car!

Practical Joke Bumper Stickers - The Art of Pranking a Car!

Learn the joys of using hilarious 'fake' joke bumper stickers to prank a friend's car. This is currently a popular gag, even among celebrities, but the idea is not new; the author has decades of experience in this form of humor.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Jokes of 10

Jokes of 10

1.Did you hear about the blind carpenter who picked up his hammer and saw? Did you hear about the deaf shepherd who gathered his flock and heard (herd)? If you don't understand these, use your ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Egypt vs. Wisconsin

Egypt vs. Wisconsin

A funny protest sign from the Wisconsin union protests.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Red Phone at 3 AM

Red Phone at 3 AM

An editorial cartoon about Hillary Clinton's 3 a.m. phone call ad.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Carrying A Sign Around

Carrying A Sign Around

A funny protest sign from the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear in Washington.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Funny Joke of the Day:

Funny Joke of the Day:

You never know what you're going to find on those virtual yard sale sites.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Bruce Wayne

Bruce Wayne

A funny captioned picture depicting Barack Obama as Bruce Wayne, AKA Batman.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Victor Borge

Victor Borge

I can remember watching the comedic styling of Victor Borge on an old VHS tape when I was young. I thought he was hilarious. I've read that people with an appreciation for classical music will find his comedy humorous, but I think he also has a very wide appeal, as well.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Know When to Walk Away

Know When to Walk Away

With all the ways we can communicate these days it's too easy to get stuck in a truly stupid conversation. This handy guide will show you how to avoid losing a few brain-cells by avoiding these talks all together.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Best #PoorLeo Memes

Best #PoorLeo Memes

This is how the internet reacted when Leonardo DiCaprio didn't win the "Best Actor" Oscar.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Running Mate

Running Mate

An editorial cartoon featuring Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as running mates.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Funny Videos For Your Humor And Funny Stuffs

Funny Videos For Your Humor And Funny Stuffs

Funny videos are easily access through an online social utility networking site. These social sites use humor and funny stuffs to attract and lure more members and sign ups.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Petraeus Intelligence

Petraeus Intelligence

A political cartoon about the sex scandal involving General David Petraeus.