Society & Culture & Entertainment Jokes & Riddles & Humor

Victor Borge

I can remember watching the comedic styling of Victor Borge on an old VHS tape when I was young.
I thought he was hilarious.
I've read that people with an appreciation for classical music will find his comedy humorous, but I think he also has a very wide appeal, as well.
Borge reminds me of an uncle of mine, a fun-loving man who is somewhat of a jokester.
Borge seems like the type that will do nearly anything for a laugh, though he makes it seem effortless.
His broad range of his talent includes the skills of a classical pianist, the intellect of a brilliant linguist, and the cunning and dexterity of a great physical comedian.
All of his skills are showcased in the presentation, "The Best of Victor Borge: Act One and Two.
" What you'll get in this presentation is just a taste of Borge's comedic genius and broad range of talents.
The artist performs a set of waltzes and lullabies to show that he can be taken as a serious musician.
He also presents hilarious physical comedy by his ingenious facial expressions and movements, his linguistic intellect by inventing Inflationary Language as well as Phonetic Punctuation.
Viewers will also get a touch of musical and operatic humor as he presents routines based on classical music pieces, and while he performs with soprano Marylyn Mulvey.
He pokes fun at classical music and opera, while at the same time making the audience appreciate its style, too.
Victor Borge was born in Denmark in 1909.
He was trained as a classical pianist, becoming one of Denmark's greatest musicians.
He soon turned to comedy, though, and moved to the United States in 1940.
Within a year, he was translating his comedy routine into English and performing for American audiences.
He was presented with his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1993 and he died in the year 2000.
Years after first seeing pieces of his performance, I still find him to be hilarious.
Borge was able to find comedy in areas that are mostly taken very seriously, and his humor is capable of reaching old and young alike.
What I find most appealing and impressive about Borge's sense of comedy is his intellect and his way of looking at music and language.
I highly recommend finding a visual recording of one of his performances.
You'll never look at classical music in the same way again!
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