We are all affected by humour.
The Webster's Dictionary definition of humour is "a normal functioning bodily semi fluid or fluid (as the blood or nymph).
" I have no clue what this means, but to me humour is something funny.
I kind of liked the part about the nymph, but the rest of that definition is lost on me.
The first recorded occurrence of humour was found on the cave walls of Lascaux.
Sometime in 1957, Archaeologists unearthed a carving, primitive in construction, of a black guy, a Jewish guy, and a Polish guy walking into a bar.
The punch line is no longer decipherable, but cultural anthropologists have speculated that, since these carvings were made in France, it is likely that the three bar patrons were refused service by obnoxious waiters.
This illustrates the fact that different cultures have different conceptions of what is funny.
For example, there is a type of humour which is often referred to as "British," this is most likely because it comes primarily from Great "Britain.
" British humour usually falls into two categories: funny and weird, or stupid and weird.
Both types more often than not involve men dressing as women, a device which, like the metric system, has been imported into American comedy with varying degrees of success.
It never ceases to amaze me that this is considered to be the pinnacle of humour.
An analysis of British comedy provokes some key questions: How does British humour fit into the larger cultural framework? If there is a God, and he is merciful, then why does 'Benny Hill' exist? Is it possible to enjoy a Monty Python film if you watch it with someone who insists on saying every line along with the actors? Do all those people who refer to Shakespeare's 'comedies' truly think that his stuff is funny, or are they just embarrassed because they don't get it either? It is true that humour can vary according to culture, but there are some things that everyone can agree on.
For example, everyone knows that there are some things which just are not funny: AIDS, the Holocaust, and any film staring Chevy Chase.
Beyond this common ground there is much disagreement as to what is funny.
I have witnessed, first hand, many otherwise sane people who find Jim Carrey to be intensely humorous.
While I am willing to allow that a man who makes funny faces at the camera is amusing to small children and the intellectually challenged, I have serious doubts about a society that sanctions his being paid $7 million to film two hours of fart jokes.
Ultimately, humour, much like intelligence, is about associations.
If you combine two elements that people wouldn't normally associate, like chocolate and peanut butter, or Tony Blair and ethics, then you've said something humorous.
"Cows and scientology.
" That's funny.
Don't ask why, but it is.
So learn to appreciate the humour that surrounds you, because laughter, like radiation, brightens our lives.
And laughter lasts much longer.
The Webster's Dictionary definition of humour is "a normal functioning bodily semi fluid or fluid (as the blood or nymph).
" I have no clue what this means, but to me humour is something funny.
I kind of liked the part about the nymph, but the rest of that definition is lost on me.
The first recorded occurrence of humour was found on the cave walls of Lascaux.
Sometime in 1957, Archaeologists unearthed a carving, primitive in construction, of a black guy, a Jewish guy, and a Polish guy walking into a bar.
The punch line is no longer decipherable, but cultural anthropologists have speculated that, since these carvings were made in France, it is likely that the three bar patrons were refused service by obnoxious waiters.
This illustrates the fact that different cultures have different conceptions of what is funny.
For example, there is a type of humour which is often referred to as "British," this is most likely because it comes primarily from Great "Britain.
" British humour usually falls into two categories: funny and weird, or stupid and weird.
Both types more often than not involve men dressing as women, a device which, like the metric system, has been imported into American comedy with varying degrees of success.
It never ceases to amaze me that this is considered to be the pinnacle of humour.
An analysis of British comedy provokes some key questions: How does British humour fit into the larger cultural framework? If there is a God, and he is merciful, then why does 'Benny Hill' exist? Is it possible to enjoy a Monty Python film if you watch it with someone who insists on saying every line along with the actors? Do all those people who refer to Shakespeare's 'comedies' truly think that his stuff is funny, or are they just embarrassed because they don't get it either? It is true that humour can vary according to culture, but there are some things that everyone can agree on.
For example, everyone knows that there are some things which just are not funny: AIDS, the Holocaust, and any film staring Chevy Chase.
Beyond this common ground there is much disagreement as to what is funny.
I have witnessed, first hand, many otherwise sane people who find Jim Carrey to be intensely humorous.
While I am willing to allow that a man who makes funny faces at the camera is amusing to small children and the intellectually challenged, I have serious doubts about a society that sanctions his being paid $7 million to film two hours of fart jokes.
Ultimately, humour, much like intelligence, is about associations.
If you combine two elements that people wouldn't normally associate, like chocolate and peanut butter, or Tony Blair and ethics, then you've said something humorous.
"Cows and scientology.
" That's funny.
Don't ask why, but it is.
So learn to appreciate the humour that surrounds you, because laughter, like radiation, brightens our lives.
And laughter lasts much longer.