Home & Garden: Growing Medicinal Herbs - 3 Every Garden Must Have

Growing Medicinal Herbs - 3 Every Garden Must Have

You are all aware of the importance of herbs in the field of medicine. Some gardeners only grow herbs for culinary use; however, there is a growing list of those wanting to grow medicinal herbs. What kind of herbs do you want in your herb garden?

Home & Garden: 5 Flower Gardening Habits to Avoid

5 Flower Gardening Habits to Avoid

Flower gardeners can get in a rut with improper pruning methods, plant collecting, and summer landscape neglect.

Home & Garden: Easy To Use Home Gardening Tips That Are As Simple As 1-2-3

Easy To Use Home Gardening Tips That Are As Simple As 1-2-3

Thousands of individuals ranging in all different age groups are enjoying the satisfaction and the accomplishments that can be found in home gardening.It can be both relaxing, as well as being very rewarding, when you make the selection of choosing home gardening as your favorite hobby of interest.

Home & Garden: How to Kill Earwig Insects

How to Kill Earwig Insects

Earwigs are small insects most commonly associated with the myth that they crawl inside of the ears of individuals that are unfortunate enough to fall asleep in an area that is inhabitable by the bugs. While earwigs do not actually prey upon humans, eating instead small foliage and moss to sustain t

Home & Garden: How to Grow Your Own Plants - Part Three

How to Grow Your Own Plants - Part Three

This third part of my plant growing series deals with three species which are probably my favorites but are a little tricky to work with. Orchids, lilies and tulips, they all produce beautiful flowers and sometimes they are expensive and hard to get. I have tried to give step by step instructions fo

Home & Garden: The Walking Leaf

The Walking Leaf

Imagine - you are sitting in your garden, working on your latest gardening project, when, suddenly, a leaf walks leisurely by. At this point, you may wonder whether you've spent too many consecutive hours in ...

Home & Garden: Children's Garden Tools - They Can Garden Too!

Children's Garden Tools - They Can Garden Too!

If you love to garden and have children you should allow them to help you. Simple tasks like this can teach them a lot about the environment and the cycle of growth. Use this opportunity to enrich their lives and get them interested in the basics of life.

Home & Garden: Arrowroot Alternatives

Arrowroot Alternatives

Arrowroot is a white powder extracted from the Arrowroot plant, a herb native to the West Indies. It is used in cooking as a thickener for sauces, pie filling and glazes and has no discernible flavor of its own. Some recipes which call for arrowroot need to be thickened at a lower...

Home & Garden: Herb Gardening And The Seven Deadly Sins

Herb Gardening And The Seven Deadly Sins

There are seven huge mistakes that herb gardeners make in the process of herb gardening.Here is the blueprint for what not do in your herb garden.

Home & Garden: 7 Flowers to Attract Hummingbirds to Your Garden

7 Flowers to Attract Hummingbirds to Your Garden

For the Hummingbird lover, ways to attract the delicate little bird are always on your mind. There are certain flowers you can plant that will attract the hummers so they choose your garden over your neighbors.

Home & Garden: Tree Cavity Care or "What's that hole in my tree trunk?"

Tree Cavity Care or "What's that hole in my tree trunk?"

A tree cavity is a hole in a trunk or branch of a tree. A cavity is caused by damage to the bark or woody tissue of the tree. The wound can result from a pruning cut, mechanical injury caused by machi

Home & Garden: How to Put Together a Canvas Top Gazebo

How to Put Together a Canvas Top Gazebo

Canvas-top gazebos are the perfect way to add a little shade to your open lawn on a hot day if you wish to entertain or host a get together with friends and family. Sold at most home goods stores, canvas-top gazebos have been designed so a few people can assemble one in minutes. The frame is usually

Home & Garden: Iron Tapered Window Planters - Offering a Wide Range of Applications

Iron Tapered Window Planters - Offering a Wide Range of Applications

Modern innovations have significantly influenced the common lifestyles of man as well as the development of more sophisticated products in the market. Indeed, it paves way for a less complicated and tedious existence. These innovations lead to the tremendous demand of window planters in the market t

Home & Garden: How to Transplant Plants & Shrubs

How to Transplant Plants & Shrubs

If you have a shrub or a bush to move, don't worry--the move can be made easier than you may think. Typically, smaller bushes will transplant better than larger, more established plants.Spring is generally the best time to transplant shrubs and bushes.

Home & Garden: D.e. Filter Vs. Cartridge Filter

D.e. Filter Vs. Cartridge Filter

D.E. Filter, which stands for Diatomaceous Earth) seem to be less preferred than the cartridge filter. Although it can trap very small particles, the maintenance work that has been required by some, seems to make that less important.

Home & Garden: 2 Most Common Plant Problems Revealed

2 Most Common Plant Problems Revealed

1. Insufficient lighting or leggy development, the plant grows slowly or not at all and planted in a shady spot. It may have been a sunny spot when planted originally, but now, with other plant material matured, the plant is no longer getting sufficient sunlight to develop normally. Development is w

Home & Garden: How to Care for a Christmas Bells Plant

How to Care for a Christmas Bells Plant

Christmas bell plants (Sandersonia aurantiaca), also known as Chinese lantern lilies, are tuberous plants that are hardy in USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 10 and Zone 11. They can grow in colder zones, but the tubers must be lifted in the fall if you want to replant them the following year. Many gardener

Home & Garden: Ways To Decorate Your Garden

Ways To Decorate Your Garden

Home and garden decorating is a hot topic. This is evident in television programming. Every second television show is related to decorating your home and garden. Programs such as The Decorating Challe

Home & Garden: Flower Planting Guide in Northern California

Flower Planting Guide in Northern California

Northern California covers a wide range of climates, from the wintry Sierra mountains to the more Mediterranean coast. As a result, choosing the right flowers to plant will depend largely on the gardener's specific region, as well as factors specific to each garden. Growing flowers is a great way to