Home & Garden: Plants for Morning Sun and Afternoon Shade

Plants for Morning Sun and Afternoon Shade

Many of the same plants that require full sun -- a minimum of six hours of direct sun each day -- droop noticeably in afternoon sun. Growing these plants successfully is a simple matter of placing them where they'll receive morning sun and cooling, afternoon shade. Planning your garden to accommodat

Home & Garden: Planning your Garden and Planting in January

Planning your Garden and Planting in January

Many people have splendid ideas for improved gardens in their homes in January. Gardening in January can have some dilemmas because many people have received their catalogues and they have an array of choices to ...

Home & Garden: Herb Growing Tips - Freezing Your Herbs For Winter

Herb Growing Tips - Freezing Your Herbs For Winter

Keen herb gardeners can freeze herbs for use in the winter months. Freezing herbs is such an easy and almost full-proof way to have herbs to add to your cooking in the off season.

Home & Garden: Chia Pet Herbs

Chia Pet Herbs

Skip the supermarket, grow your own herbs at home.six kinds of aromatic herbs for cooking image by angelo.gi from Fotolia.comThe Chia Gourmet Herb Garden comes in a box set of six herbs. You receive everything you need to start an herb garden, including terracotta pots and matching...

Home & Garden: Nutrients for Venus Flytraps

Nutrients for Venus Flytraps

This Venus flytrap gets nutrients by digesting insects.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty ImagesThe Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) grows along the coasts of North and South Carolina. This plant needs humid, wet and sunny bogs for optimal growth. It is insectivorous (carnivorous) because...

Home & Garden: How To Analyze Your Lawn Profile

How To Analyze Your Lawn Profile

How to cut into your lawn and look at the profile of the soil, thatch and grass What to look for in the soil profile and how to react to the findings

Home & Garden: House Plants - A Love-Hate Relationship

House Plants - A Love-Hate Relationship

House Plants can bring an incredible amount of joy into one's life, the reasons for having an indoor garden can be many-fold, but, for the most - it's just nice to have something vibrant and alive, inside.Be mindful, you cannot just plonk any old plant into a pot and expect it to survive i

Home & Garden: Do Fertilizers Affect Living Things?

Do Fertilizers Affect Living Things?

Fertilizers are chemicals added to the soil to keep plants and gardens healthy. As fertilizers are absorbed into the soil, they affect everything from the ground to the animals that walk across it. Fertilizers have both positive and negative effects on living things, depending on their use and place

Home & Garden: Beautiful Orchid Blooms - 8 Great Tips

Beautiful Orchid Blooms - 8 Great Tips

For most orchids, replicating the environmental conditions where they thrive in the wild is a good means to maintain healthy, blooming plants. Surprisingly, this is much easier than you'd think! Here are eight basic tips for blooming to get your started.

Home & Garden: How to Grow Beans in Your Garden

How to Grow Beans in Your Garden

In order to properly plan a bean garden, knowing the full cycle of bean plant growth can enable you to take full advantage of the volume of beans you get for the effort that you put in. All types of beans, ranging from the green bean to chickpeas, are a healthy addition to any diet. High in protein,

Home & Garden: How Using Hydroponics Can Save You Money

How Using Hydroponics Can Save You Money

There are several different ways to grow plants, and some are more effective than others. Before the use of hydroponics and aeroponics, most people relied on a traditional form of plant growing that involved soil, air, water, and sunlight. Many people continue to use this method to grow plants, whet

Home & Garden: Growing Herbs in Pots

Growing Herbs in Pots

Growing herbs in pots is very rewarding, as it offers a great deal of flexibility. You have the option to move plants indoors to a sunny windowsill when and if the weather takes a turn for the worst. You can move the plants around the yard depending on the time of year.

Home & Garden: Choosing the right sprinkler services

Choosing the right sprinkler services

Sprinklers are a great way to save water and irrigate your greenery. They are ideal for both commercial and residential spaces. Irrigation systems can be connected to the existing piping system, there

Home & Garden: Daves Garden - Kurt Barton

Daves Garden - Kurt Barton

There are dozens of different breeds of dogs and each breed has a particular personality. This makes the choice of the breed that's most suitable for your wants terribly tough. There are a range of di

Home & Garden: How to Maintain an Eco friendly Garden

How to Maintain an Eco friendly Garden

Most people recognise that 'going green' and trying to lessen our impact on the natural environment has many benefits, but there are still some misconceptions about what exactly is involved i

Home & Garden: Three Landscaping Ideas

Three Landscaping Ideas

Your outdoor space is just as vital and important as you’re inside space. Landscaping can not only raise your property value and make your neighbors happy; it can be an exciting and creative project, a new spin on yard maintenance. So maybe you’ve just bought a home with a big back yard

Home & Garden: Some Top Tips For Keeping Your Bedroom Fresh

Some Top Tips For Keeping Your Bedroom Fresh

We spend about a third of our lives in the bedroom, but do we spend that much attention to the d©cor? It stands to reason that we should be nice and relaxed when we are ...