Home & Garden: Advies Over Onkruidbestrijding In Uw Huis Tuin

Advies Over Onkruidbestrijding In Uw Huis Tuin

Tuin onkruid zijn een bedreiging voor elke tuin. Ze verwijderen voedsel uit de aarde en niet toestaan ??dat de groei van gras en veel tuinplanten. Onkruid tuin ook verwennen de verschijning van een tuin en ze gewoon opvallen met een slecht onderhouden tuin. De Weed Garden is absoluut noodzakelijk en

Home & Garden: Fungus on Basil Plants

Fungus on Basil Plants

Basil (Ocimum basilicum) belongs to the mint family. Many fungal related diseases affect basil, including fusarium wilt, black spot and damping off. Sources of disease include contaminated soil and growing media, dirty tools and infested crop debris.

Home & Garden: How to Plant Boxwoods in Early November

How to Plant Boxwoods in Early November

The boxwood is an excellent shrub for formal hedges, privacy screens, topiary and as background for other landscape plants. Dense green foliage stays on the branch for three years at a time. Boxwood grows slowly, at a rate of only a few inches a year, making it easy to maintain, and it can tolerate

Home & Garden: Rose Planting For Beginners

Rose Planting For Beginners

Having spoken to your local rose grower and accepted her advice suggesting which particular types of roses will suit your neighborhood and climate, you've made your choices and arrived home with your new rose bushes ready to plant. As it's Fall, and you had the option of buying either bare

Home & Garden: Worm Farm Benefits

Worm Farm Benefits

The biggest benefit of a worm farm however large or small, is the worm castings, or vermicompost. Vermicompost is an excellent fertilizer for plants and gardens, and it really has no equal. It has almost no scent as most animal manures do. All plants benefit from using this compost.

Home & Garden: What is a Garden Shed?

What is a Garden Shed?

This article looks at the various uses for a garden shed, and the benefits they can bring to your home.

Home & Garden: Tools for Raking and Cultivating

Tools for Raking and Cultivating

With its short rigid tines a bow rake is excellent for leveling a bed after digging it up with a shovel or garden fork. Bow rakes will also remove stones and debris from the soil. ...

Home & Garden: The Right Weed Control Measures For A Clean Lawn

The Right Weed Control Measures For A Clean Lawn

Weeds can pose to be a great nuisance if you have a garden or a lawn. Weeds can create havoc in your garden, hence it is very important to ensure that you try and keep the garden healthy by eliminatin

Home & Garden: Tomato 'Basket Boy

Tomato 'Basket Boy

Tomato Plant 'Basket Boy' for growing in containers and small spaces.

Home & Garden: Hire Exterior Fencing Contractor for Proper Fencing

Hire Exterior Fencing Contractor for Proper Fencing

The concept of fencing is very old and people used to perform it earlier to differentiate between their property pieces. In the present time, concept has changed a little bit as these are now used wit

Home & Garden: Gorgeous, Easy to Grow, Fascinating Succulents

Gorgeous, Easy to Grow, Fascinating Succulents

Succulents, plants with thick, fleshy leaves, are drought tolerant plants. There are thousands to choose from, but most are not cold hardy. Here are some tips for choosing and growing succulents.

Home & Garden: Paver Lights Helps To Highlights The Beauty Of Your Home.

Paver Lights Helps To Highlights The Beauty Of Your Home.

The solar counterpart of paver light has helped millions of people all around the world to save energy, without compromising with the aspects of proper lighting for home decoration. You can install tiny looking paver lights in outdoor areas.

Home & Garden: How to Grow a Passionflower

How to Grow a Passionflower

Passionflowers are tropical plants that are members of the Passiflora genus, which has more than 400 species of trees, annuals, perennials, shrubs and vines. Some passionflower vines produce the edible passionflower fruit. The exotic flowers of the passionflower vine range in colors such as purple,

Home & Garden: Ice Plants

Ice Plants

Ice plants can form a bright carpet of flowers and bloom throughout the summer. Tips for growing these drought tolerant, succulent plants.

Home & Garden: Worm Composting 101 - Raising Worms for Bait

Worm Composting 101 - Raising Worms for Bait

A lot of worm breeders have already been into raising worms for bait, since there's a definite market for doing it. Not only is it a great money-making venture, breeding and raising worms definitely has its other benefits too.