Health & Medical: How to Preserve Meat the Old Fashion Way

How to Preserve Meat the Old Fashion Way

Using salt to preserve meat is one of the oldest preservation methods known to man. This method can be traced as far back as the Roman Empire. The reason why salt is an effective preservation tool is because the salt protects against harmful bacteria growth. The salt removes water from the meat that

Health & Medical: Coffee Machines - A Fine Way to Wake Up

Coffee Machines - A Fine Way to Wake Up

Most people love to wake up to the smell of fresh coffee in the house. Coffee machines are able to recreate those aromas that instant coffee is never able to quite achieve.

Health & Medical: Interesting Gatorade Facts

Interesting Gatorade Facts

The image of Gatorade reminds sports fans of football, winning games and intense workouts, but few people are aware of where Gatorade originated or how it got it's name.

Health & Medical: Jamaican Food Names

Jamaican Food Names

Learn Jamaican food names. Refer to this guide to learn about festival, matrimony, mannish water, johnny cakes and leggings.

Health & Medical: Zinfandel Wine Information

Zinfandel Wine Information

"Sunset" magazine has called zinfandel "the most American wine of all." Indeed, zinfandel wine was developed in the United States and is grown almost exclusively in California.

Health & Medical: Spicy Tomato Soup

Spicy Tomato Soup

Vegan Soups. This collection of vegan soup recipes contains classic soups that have been made vegan, from vegan cream soups to vegan stews and chili recipes, you'll find vegan recipes for your favorite soups here.

Health & Medical: Cooking Directions for Pork Roast

Cooking Directions for Pork Roast

Pork roast is a common dish for many, but it is less popular than beef roasts or roasted chicken. However, there are many different types of pork roast, and there are even more variations and cooking methods for preparing it. Remembering a few tips can help you prepare a perfect pork roast every tim

Health & Medical: Egg Tomato Scramble

Egg Tomato Scramble

An egg and tomato scramble recipe with fresh tomatoes, eggs, and bacon, southern style. Scrambled eggs with tomatoes and bacon.

Health & Medical: How to Make Authentic Homemade Mole

How to Make Authentic Homemade Mole

Store bought mole just doesn't do an authentic mole sauce justice. Mole is so versatile and it is unique to it's creator. Use this basic recipe to add your own twist and spin to make the dish uniquely your own.

Health & Medical: Green Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss Quick To Follow

Green Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss Quick To Follow

The green smoothie recipes for weight loss can be enjoyed with the family and friends in the comfort of home. There might be numbers of restaurants serving instant smoothie and convenient in supermarket nut the healthy and effective blended raw food is homemade.

Health & Medical: Coffee drinkers may have healthier lifestyles

Coffee drinkers may have healthier lifestyles

Another obstacle in pinpointing the benefits of coffee is that it's difficult to isolate the effects of coffee from other healthy habits or lifestyles associated with coffee drinking. A 1999

Health & Medical: How to Blend Herbs & Spices

How to Blend Herbs & Spices

Herbs and spices make the meal. They add flavor, color and texture to a dish and help you stay healthy. Herbs and spices are antibacterial and anti-inflammatory -- they contain antioxidants, according to Fitness Magazine. Herb and spice blends are versatile. Blend herbs and spices in classic combina

Health & Medical: Peanut Butter Cookies Drizzled with Chocolate

Peanut Butter Cookies Drizzled with Chocolate

These peanut butter cookies are drizzled with chocolate for one of the most perfect peanut butter cookie recipes you'll ever taste. Bring these to a bake sale, and everyone will ask you for the recipe.