Business & Finance: Start a Blog in 10 Easy Steps

Start a Blog in 10 Easy Steps

Starting a blog may seem like an easy process, but there are pitfalls along the way, and many executives require a step-by-step process to avoid them. Based on my experience for clients in a wide vari

Business & Finance: Blog Bar To The Rescue

Blog Bar To The Rescue

The Google Blog Bar is anAJAX Search API application that lets you easily add application and page-controlled blog search results to your web pages or blog.

Business & Finance: A Brief Introduction on How to Create Blogs

A Brief Introduction on How to Create Blogs

A blog is a contraction of web log, essentially a type of online diary although its uses are far more diverse than just that. Approximately half a million people in the United States alone write blogs for a living since they can be extremely profitable with the use of affiliate marketing and adverti

Business & Finance: Become a Professional Blog Writer

Become a Professional Blog Writer

One of the best means of promoting and marketing any business is through blogs. Blogs are websites that are easy to use, and is a place where you can place your thoughts while interacting with people. Some people wish to start a blog to market their business, but just do not know where to start. Thi

Business & Finance: Do You Need Your Blog on iPhone and iPad?

Do You Need Your Blog on iPhone and iPad?

If you are blogging lover and want your blog on iPhone and iPad then this task can easier for you if you will use effective techniques. Most of the people are iPhone and iPad lovers and they love to use internet on their iPhone and iPods and they also want to create a blog on iPhone and iPod.

Business & Finance: Beware the FTC!

Beware the FTC!

Internet marketers started using half-truths and untruths as part of their marketing strategies. Product features and benefits were exaggerated, testimonials were falsified and spurious claims were made. Customer grievances mushroomed, and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) had to step in with some

Business & Finance: Reviewing Freelancing Sites

Reviewing Freelancing Sites

There are plenty of freelancing sites online where freelancers from writers and graphic designers to web-developers and programmers can find jobs for small businesses. Finding the right site still remains a challenge.

Business & Finance: The Kodak Zi8 is Perfect For Video Blogging!

The Kodak Zi8 is Perfect For Video Blogging!

We all know that we can capture the most precious moments with a camera, but now we can upload these videos with ease! Uploading from the comfort of your own home, and turning videos into dollars!

Business & Finance: Fast Blogging - Hype Up Your Blog - 6 Ways to Do It

Fast Blogging - Hype Up Your Blog - 6 Ways to Do It

Blogging is the new hype. Here and there, are new blogs and almost everyone has turned into a writer. Why the blog popularity? It is because blogs allow people to write whatever they want without needing to be an expert writer. It's free from criticisms that...

Business & Finance: Blogging - Yes, Your Blog Can Be Successful

Blogging - Yes, Your Blog Can Be Successful

Do you want more traffic to your blog? Building a readership can be a real challenge for many new bloggers. However it's quite simple. You need to give your readers what they want: when you do, they will become loyal subscribers.

Business & Finance: How to Create a Folder on the Root Folder of a WordPress Blog

How to Create a Folder on the Root Folder of a WordPress Blog

Your WordPress blogging script is installed to a folder on your Web server; typically, it is the root directory for your domain or possibly a separate sub-domain. You can add other files and folders to the WordPress directory, such as media files or a personal folder. You can create a new folder usi

Business & Finance: Blogging Startup Basics

Blogging Startup Basics

If you aren't Blogging yet, get started!Blogging is a fast and easy way to inform interested parties about your area of expertise.And, most importantly Blog posts are picked up much faster by search engines than new Web pages.

Business & Finance: Why Guest Blogging Is Key to Building Your Business

Why Guest Blogging Is Key to Building Your Business

Do you want to build your online business? If so, what are the things that you are planning to do to achieve success? If you have not started yet, then you might want to consider guest blogging. This is a powerful way of boosting your rank as well as improving your online visibility. The sad fact is

Business & Finance: The 6 Top Reasons Marketers Should Blog

The 6 Top Reasons Marketers Should Blog

There are so many benefits to blogging that almost every marketer will improve their results by publishing a blog. This article lists 6 of the major benefits that blogging will produce for any site or business.

Business & Finance: How To Make Your Blog Appealing

How To Make Your Blog Appealing

Your blog is a very powerful tool that can help you express yourself tothe world.You gradually build up a relationship with those people who read your blog.While your blog may already be effective, there are a few things you can do to ensure that both you and your readers continue to enjoy your blog