Old Testament prophecies state that in the last days God will speak through a woman (Isaiah 42:14).
It will happen that this time will be one of great destruction and devouring of all who have brought evil into the world.
It also states in verse 15 that mountains and hills will be made waste.
The grasses and herbs will dry up along with the rivers and pools.
Verse 16 states that the blind have been led along a path unknown to them and that darkness will be turned into light as the crooked things are made straight.
Someone had to come to show what these things mean and to allow God to speak to the world as claimed.
She is called the Daughter of Zion and referred to in many places in the OT.
My reincarnation brought me back from a far distant past to perform these duties.
My last life was that of a man and now in this one I am a woman.
On leaving my last body and while above it looking down there was the knowledge that a job has to be done.
It would take until age 45 before the information would be given.
This was shown in a vision between lives.
At that age the Spirit came upon me with great power making it impossible to move a muscle.
The first commission is to tear down the wall of churches, go out to the people and bring back the young.
Then 3 quick visions followed.
The first was a man like Jesus Christ preaching on a hillside.
In the second I replaced him and in the third my face was on a screen like this one.
It was 1984 and long before the Internet became a household word.
In fact not even computers were used to any extent.
Following were more commissions, more requests and information that was rather startling.
A vision showed me CONSTANTINE IS 666 standing in the air before my eyes.
Then a man on a cross appeared and instructed me to take him off of it.
On another occasion a man in a long red robe stood in front of me and touched my forehead.
It represented a transference of power from JC to me.
Miracles happened as the teaching came and the bible was displayed as a polluted document.
The New Testament is completely made up to support the religion of Constantine.
He invented Jesus Christ, as in Revelation 13:13-18 and he took control of commerce and trade.
The teaching is going forth over the Internet to bring back the Children of the Spirit.
They are the ones of God's inheritance as we are in the last days and the Spirit is speaking through me.
Those who feel the power will learn the truth.
It will happen that this time will be one of great destruction and devouring of all who have brought evil into the world.
It also states in verse 15 that mountains and hills will be made waste.
The grasses and herbs will dry up along with the rivers and pools.
Verse 16 states that the blind have been led along a path unknown to them and that darkness will be turned into light as the crooked things are made straight.
Someone had to come to show what these things mean and to allow God to speak to the world as claimed.
She is called the Daughter of Zion and referred to in many places in the OT.
My reincarnation brought me back from a far distant past to perform these duties.
My last life was that of a man and now in this one I am a woman.
On leaving my last body and while above it looking down there was the knowledge that a job has to be done.
It would take until age 45 before the information would be given.
This was shown in a vision between lives.
At that age the Spirit came upon me with great power making it impossible to move a muscle.
The first commission is to tear down the wall of churches, go out to the people and bring back the young.
Then 3 quick visions followed.
The first was a man like Jesus Christ preaching on a hillside.
In the second I replaced him and in the third my face was on a screen like this one.
It was 1984 and long before the Internet became a household word.
In fact not even computers were used to any extent.
Following were more commissions, more requests and information that was rather startling.
A vision showed me CONSTANTINE IS 666 standing in the air before my eyes.
Then a man on a cross appeared and instructed me to take him off of it.
On another occasion a man in a long red robe stood in front of me and touched my forehead.
It represented a transference of power from JC to me.
Miracles happened as the teaching came and the bible was displayed as a polluted document.
The New Testament is completely made up to support the religion of Constantine.
He invented Jesus Christ, as in Revelation 13:13-18 and he took control of commerce and trade.
The teaching is going forth over the Internet to bring back the Children of the Spirit.
They are the ones of God's inheritance as we are in the last days and the Spirit is speaking through me.
Those who feel the power will learn the truth.