Cold sores or fever blisters as they are commonly known are caused by the herpes simplex virus type I (HSV-I).
This infection is highly contagious and one should be careful not to infect other if one has it and vice versa.
This virus enters the body at an early age of five years and lies dormant for life until it is triggered.
Usually it enters the body through broken mucous membrane near the mouth or on the facial areas.
This infection is not to be confused with canker sores which appear inside the mouth and are not contagious The surest way of getting this infection is by sharing utensils with an infected person, lip balm or even facial towels.
Kissing no matter how tempting it is, is a no go zone if your partner has this infection.
Washing or disinfecting your hands after touching the infected areas is a must if you do not want to cross contaminate other areas of your body.
Most people have the HSV-I virus and can still infect others.
There is no guarantee or a sure way of staying clear of this infection.
You can also get the virus when an infected person sneezes or through a dusty place.
The primary stage which is when you have a burning sensation is less risky as compared to the weeping stage when the blister bursts and the liquid oozes out.
There, you now have it, cold sores are contagious and great care as mentioned above must be taken to keep this embarrassing infection at bay.
It takes up to 14 days to heal leaving no scar.
The virus lies dormant in the nerve cell until it is triggered.
It is therefore of great importance for you to know exactly what triggers this virus in your body.
This infection is highly contagious and one should be careful not to infect other if one has it and vice versa.
This virus enters the body at an early age of five years and lies dormant for life until it is triggered.
Usually it enters the body through broken mucous membrane near the mouth or on the facial areas.
This infection is not to be confused with canker sores which appear inside the mouth and are not contagious The surest way of getting this infection is by sharing utensils with an infected person, lip balm or even facial towels.
Kissing no matter how tempting it is, is a no go zone if your partner has this infection.
Washing or disinfecting your hands after touching the infected areas is a must if you do not want to cross contaminate other areas of your body.
Most people have the HSV-I virus and can still infect others.
There is no guarantee or a sure way of staying clear of this infection.
You can also get the virus when an infected person sneezes or through a dusty place.
The primary stage which is when you have a burning sensation is less risky as compared to the weeping stage when the blister bursts and the liquid oozes out.
There, you now have it, cold sores are contagious and great care as mentioned above must be taken to keep this embarrassing infection at bay.
It takes up to 14 days to heal leaving no scar.
The virus lies dormant in the nerve cell until it is triggered.
It is therefore of great importance for you to know exactly what triggers this virus in your body.