Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Tips And Tricks For Quick Acne Relief

Everyone, especially young adults, suffers from acne problems at some point in their lives. But now, you can fight back against the acne without expensive lotions or doctor visits. Below are natural, cheap and effective ways for you to fight back against your acne problems without spending a fortune.

If you are suffering from acne, make sure to limit your time in the sun. Sun exposure actually makes acne worse. The sun causes your skin to shed more than what's normal and it will further clog your pores, which will make your acne worse. If you absolutely must go outside, make sure to wear a wide brimmed hat and sun screen.

Avoiding excessive use of makeup can greatly contribute to preventing acne. Most makeup products contain oil that can cause or increase acne problems. If you are going to use makeup, products without oil, or water-based products, and products that do not contain additives and chemicals are the best choice. You should also definitely read labels, particularly ingredients lists on makeup, prior to purchasing.

Choose not to have acne by making acne-free lifestyle choices. Choose to eat healthful, organic, whole foods instead of junk food and processed food. Choose to drink fresh, pure water with a little lemon or lime juice added instead of sugary and chemical laden sodas. Choose to ride your bike, walk or run instead of driving your car. Choose to swim, or play an active game rather than watching TV.

One of the things that you can do in order to lessen the chances of experiencing acne is by avoiding excessive use of oil based makeup. Makeup contributes to clogging skin pores which then produce blackheads and pimples. If you need to wear makeup be sure that it is water-based.

Seeing a doctor to talk about acne and possible medications or treatments, can have many beneficial results. A prescription skin medicine may be prescribed to you that will be much more effective than one that is available over the counter. Also, useful information can be gleaned from the doctor on how to deal with the acne.

Someone who suffers from breakouts should not touch their face with their hands if they have not been properly cleaned. Hands often contain chemicals and oils that when placed on the face can cause bad breakouts to occur. You should not touch your face until your hands have been thoroughly washed.

If you are battling an acne breakout, use nutmeg and milk as a home remedy to ease your symptoms. If you mix the nutmeg and milk together, it will create a paste that you can apply to your blemish. In a short period of time, the paste will make the acne go away with a trace.

Increasing the amount of the mineral zinc in your diet can help treat acne. The best way to be sure you are getting enough zinc is to start taking a supplement. A dose of 25 or 50 milligrams taken three times per day can leave your skin healthy and clear.

For clear skin, it is very important that you go to sleep with a clean face. Girls who fall asleep in make-up are very likely to experience an acne break-out not long afterwards. The make-up traps oils within the pores, which later turn into pimples. If you wash your face before going to bed, the oils in your skin will be able to leave naturally, and you will be less prone to break-outs.

If you have had a lot of sun exposure it may have also contributed to your acne. Beams of light from the sun contain what are called free radicals, and these free radicals can be incredibly damaging to your skin. If you still want to get your sun in, try using an SPF 30 sunscreen.

If you experience discoloration in your skin after your acne goes away, use moisturizer on that area. Your skin can dry out and become scaly and lighter after your acne goes away. This is especially noticeable with people who have darker skin. Apply moisturizer to the area regularly to help the color return to normal.

Now you have some of the key tricks in fighting acne. While all of these tips may not work for you, hopefully at least a few do. If your acne problems get worse after using one or more of these suggestions, please consult your doctor. Good luck in your fight against acne!
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