If you suffer from acne you will realize that probably we all have heard some suggestions how to get rid of acne.
Moreover you will hear many theories as to just why we get spots and pimples. You will have heard them from parents or guardians, well-meaning friends, not so well meaning colleagues, health workers and cosmetic dermatologists.
Failing to grasp why spots persist appearing is the most challenging part. So, what can you do to obtain clear skin?
As well-meaning as some many are, you will often discover the people who view themselves as the most knowledgeable ordinarily have never had spots, or who've only had the €odd spot' as part of their lives. They might not exactly know the pain you will be suffering with acne. Without a doubt they might want to assist you get rid of acne, but you need the advice from a professional.
Fact and Fiction on Acne Advice
Here is some fact and fiction about why we get spots:
You have acne because you don't wash the facial skin properly. NOT NECESSARILY TRUE. It's crucial that all people keep their skin clean, but it may not be the main factor as to just why you can't get rid of acne. If fact, if you wash the face area very often and exfoliate a lot you can can even make spots appear since you are stripping away the skin's natural barriers and causing irritation.
If you use makeup you will need to be sure that it isn't past it's sell-by date. Many low-priced foundations are greasy and cause spots therefore ifspots coincided with the use of your new foundation, stop using it for a few days and your skin may clear. Actually some very expensive foundations and natural foundations might lead to spots if your skin reacts to an ingredient. Out of date makeup can harbour harmful bacteria and cause spots and many times even worse skin infections. Also, never wear makeup to bed. Always remove any traces of makeup before going to bed. Touching your facial skin with dirty hands can even cause spots. Your hand can keep a lot of germs and bacteria if you don't wash them properly. Try wherever possible to not ever touch the facial skin using your hands unless your hands are clean. It's a good routine to attempt to get into. If you've got children, keep their hands away from the face area likewise and children hands probably will have much more bacteria on them than yours!
You are eating a large amount of sweets. Often this can be TRUE. Sugar might cause spots for many people but within a balanced and healthy diet a smallish number of sweets probably won't trigger spots. It is just when what you consume is high in sugar that spots can develop.
Chocolatebrings about acne. TRUE FOR SOME PEOPLE. Most books containing information on acne tend to follow the idea that there isn't any validated connection between chocolate and acne. One book actually states: €You could enjoy a big portion of chocolate cake and this wouldn't turn into a pimple tomorrow€. This suggestion was written by somebody who doesn't understand categories of spots, if you experience cysts or large pustules a large portion of chocolate cake is without doubt going to add to your collection. Only once you identify the sort of spots that are always appearing are you going to know if chocolate is contributing to your skin problem.
It's your age €" you are sure to grow out of it. TRUE. To a lot of PEOPLE It's true that the majority ofteenagers suffer the pain of acne but these are typically small red spots with a whitehead (pimples). They are often stopped by cutting down on the sugar intake and increasing the intake of wholesome natural foods - such as vegetables and fruits.Many teenagers grow out of pimples when their hormones reduce however when treatment is used or if other spots show up that aren't pimples, €acne' can continue well beyond adolescent years.
Moreover you will hear many theories as to just why we get spots and pimples. You will have heard them from parents or guardians, well-meaning friends, not so well meaning colleagues, health workers and cosmetic dermatologists.
Failing to grasp why spots persist appearing is the most challenging part. So, what can you do to obtain clear skin?
As well-meaning as some many are, you will often discover the people who view themselves as the most knowledgeable ordinarily have never had spots, or who've only had the €odd spot' as part of their lives. They might not exactly know the pain you will be suffering with acne. Without a doubt they might want to assist you get rid of acne, but you need the advice from a professional.
Fact and Fiction on Acne Advice
Here is some fact and fiction about why we get spots:
You have acne because you don't wash the facial skin properly. NOT NECESSARILY TRUE. It's crucial that all people keep their skin clean, but it may not be the main factor as to just why you can't get rid of acne. If fact, if you wash the face area very often and exfoliate a lot you can can even make spots appear since you are stripping away the skin's natural barriers and causing irritation.
If you use makeup you will need to be sure that it isn't past it's sell-by date. Many low-priced foundations are greasy and cause spots therefore ifspots coincided with the use of your new foundation, stop using it for a few days and your skin may clear. Actually some very expensive foundations and natural foundations might lead to spots if your skin reacts to an ingredient. Out of date makeup can harbour harmful bacteria and cause spots and many times even worse skin infections. Also, never wear makeup to bed. Always remove any traces of makeup before going to bed. Touching your facial skin with dirty hands can even cause spots. Your hand can keep a lot of germs and bacteria if you don't wash them properly. Try wherever possible to not ever touch the facial skin using your hands unless your hands are clean. It's a good routine to attempt to get into. If you've got children, keep their hands away from the face area likewise and children hands probably will have much more bacteria on them than yours!
You are eating a large amount of sweets. Often this can be TRUE. Sugar might cause spots for many people but within a balanced and healthy diet a smallish number of sweets probably won't trigger spots. It is just when what you consume is high in sugar that spots can develop.
Chocolatebrings about acne. TRUE FOR SOME PEOPLE. Most books containing information on acne tend to follow the idea that there isn't any validated connection between chocolate and acne. One book actually states: €You could enjoy a big portion of chocolate cake and this wouldn't turn into a pimple tomorrow€. This suggestion was written by somebody who doesn't understand categories of spots, if you experience cysts or large pustules a large portion of chocolate cake is without doubt going to add to your collection. Only once you identify the sort of spots that are always appearing are you going to know if chocolate is contributing to your skin problem.
It's your age €" you are sure to grow out of it. TRUE. To a lot of PEOPLE It's true that the majority ofteenagers suffer the pain of acne but these are typically small red spots with a whitehead (pimples). They are often stopped by cutting down on the sugar intake and increasing the intake of wholesome natural foods - such as vegetables and fruits.Many teenagers grow out of pimples when their hormones reduce however when treatment is used or if other spots show up that aren't pimples, €acne' can continue well beyond adolescent years.