Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Best Face Cream for Men Oily Skin

Underneath the eyes for good dotted and then use your finger in shortputting lotion to look up for you images going to blend the concealer out it's really important to thank yourmakeup because this make sure that you make the last all day long so we're gonna take them with patterntransparent and white Henry actually just going to take a brash and sweep the powder onthis is not a completely feel the makeup because we're gonna put a $13.3 after but this is going to help a sleek andshiny oil make the last out the day now timeto prep the ad I'm actually going to use a primary todo this on I primary and that's going to help feel theshadows and also make them more vivid and last longer nothing but I shadow and because fellowon something class thinking clean we're actually going to put a beautifulpeach pink color onto her lips birth and thisis going to be the be color and then we're gonna leave adarker color to define the I later on so now we're going to take himat Brown just.
Like this and this is going tobasically calm down the shimmer and also definedthe eyes beef leak on train but for the eyelid for now we're going to define the I andwe're going to use a mat Brown in a bit of black gonna make thetwo and we're going to concentrate the coloronto her lower lash line and work a little bit into the creaseand the outer corner a really important that this mission aplan I'll make about so actually have a dome-shaped lucky brashand the call the blending brush and we're going to basically plan the make about surges ina planned into the crease now time for eyeliner so I liked evenliquid liner and this actually in pen for which isgreat because it's really easy to use especially if you're beginner and I'm actually going to makesure that i win the tip out so that the eyes are basically up and being hola up following week for the atlanta dry wereactually gonna do the eyebrows birth anyone to go one or.
Two she's a littlebit darker than her original kind of hair in shape or gonnajust fill in and to find them for now we're going to take a penpal ayear and we actually going to line the waterline just have to wait and thisis just gonna open up the I something I'd like to do personallyapproved now time for the mascara and I'mactually get crawler her lashes first and then we're gonna party with Karen ofclashes and this is gonna be really fun so before it falls and was gonna quicklyif I put it in camp now I'm sure every bride wants ofclashes on their wedding day and help open up the I and elongate thelashes so I have a pair here with me and the way to tell good latch my badlash is that if you look at the river the last youcan see that the bit transparent and that will be the best because itwon't way I down during wedding day so we have
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