Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Going Out Alone - The Mindset and the Method

Introduction For those of us who go to clubs or bars to meet women, the idea of going out alone may seem strange at first.
But if you are committed to learning to better interact with women, you have got to go out and meet them, and in situations where you don't have a friend available, you won't want to hold yourself back.
Here is the mindset and method to going out and approaching beautiful women.
The Mindset Nobody is going out tonight.
Your best friend has work at 8 am.
Your other pals are at home cherishing their cherishes.
Do you stay in, and waste a perfectly good night, or...
dun dun dun...
go out alone?! Going out alone is no big deal at all.
I went out completely by myself (and sober!) for the first three months of going out to meet women.
I didn't know anyone in my community who was committed to getting their dating life handled.
And I had to get this are of my life taken care of once and for all.
There are some people who try and make it seem like it's a big deal or that only a loser would go out alone - those people are insecure followers who have been de-masculinized by social conditioning for so long that they do not understand fallacy from reality.
Going out alone shows confidence, intestinal fortitude, and can be a ton of fun.
For some reason, I've met and seduced the hottest girls while I was out ALONE.
I don't know why.
That's actually how I got my name, Maverick.
I was unabashed at cruising solo if no one else was around or wanted to go out.
It made no difference to me.
I knew that I had to go out, and practice my skillset, and get this area of my life handled.
And I would be damned if I would leave that to the whim of my friends schedules and moods.
With that said, here are some tips for going out alone: The Method 1) Talk to people on the line.
As soon as you reach the venue, start a conversation with people on the line.
Nothing is worse than standing in line in silence for a half hour, then expecting to "flip a switch" and "turn on" into talkative party mode once you walk through the doors of the club.
2) As soon as you enter the club or bar, get yourself talking with someone new.
I talk to guys when I first enter the club, usually on the smoking patio.
This can be easier than just "jumping in", is a nice warmup, and can build social value in the setting you are in.
3) Keep yourself in a talkative state, by rolling off of one interaction into a new one.
Once you finish talking to one group, turn and talk to another.
In my experience, after about 20 minutes of keeping yourself in a talkative and upbeat state, it is "locked in" for a considerable amount of time (usually for the rest of the night, but if there is a big interrupt, like driving across town to another bar, you may need to lock it in again).
4) Do not play with your phone, go get a drink, or go to the bathroom incessantly, in an attempt to avoid talking to others at first.
This is a nervous, low value behavior.
Put the phone away.
Be social.
5) Do not scan the room, looking for the value.
The value is where you are.
The good emotions are where you are.
Go join a group, and bring that value to them, instead of scanning the room, looking to sap value from whoever is there.
6) Lastly, commit to approaching X number of groups, so you don't talk yourself out of meeting women.
You won't have a friend to push you, so you have to be accountable for your own results.
Key differences -You won't have a wingman to help regulate your mood - you have to do it yourself.
This means being able to have fun and go without criticizing yourself.
-You won't have a wingman to help with groups of 2 women (it is harder to split up 2 women than to split up 5 since the remainder can talk amongst themselves).
If you can't split up 2 girls long enough to isolate the one you like in conversation, ask for a phone number to follow up later.
You probably won't be able to take her home that night, so go for a number for later.
-You won't have someone to talk to in between approaching groups.
Tip number 3 above will fix this issue.
These are the only differences in my experience.
One thing that helped when going out alone was realizing it was so similar to going out with buddies.
I mean, do you really stay by their side all night? In a packed club, I may go for half an hour without seeing any of my buddies.
I might as well be alone at this point!!! So it's all psychological.
Now get out there! Even if it's by yourself.
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