Home & Garden Home Appliances

What Is the Gas to Oil Ratio for the Featherlite Weedeater?

    What Is a Featherlite Weed Eater?

    • A Featherlite Weed Eater is manufactured by Husqvarna, along with its Poulan line. Just as its name implies, this model weighs less than its counterparts. The lightness makes it easier to handle the Featherlite and lessens the strain on your arm, shoulder and back. This model has an extended shaft that makes trimming underneath bushes and shrubs easier as well. Just like all 2-cycle Weed Eaters, a Featherlite needs a gas-and-oil mixture to run properly.

    What Kind of Gas Does a Featherlite Weed Eater Use?

    • According to the company website, all of their Weed Eaters, including the Featherlite model, use 87 octane regular unleaded gasoline. You may use gasoline that's mixed with a maximum of 10 percent alcohol. But don't store the Weed Eater with a blended fuel in it. What you cannot use is E85 or diesel fuel in a Featherlite. For the best performance, don't use gasoline that has been stored. Don't use gasoline from the last season. Always use fresh fuel. And never use gasoline alone. Always mix it with 2-cycle oil.

    What Is the Gas-to-Oil Ratio for the Featherlite?

    • The gas-to-oil ratio is 40:1 for the Featherlite Weed Eater. It's the same mix that all the company's Weed Eaters use. Mix 3.2 ounces of two-cycle, air-cooled engine oil with 1 gallon of gasoline in a container. Shake the container before you add fuel to a Featherlite to mix the gas and oil together. Then, as it sets, the fuel will separate. Before each and every additional fueling, shake the container to make sure the gasoline and oil are mixed thoroughly.

    Why Does a Featherlite Weed Eater Require a Gas and Oil Mix?

    • As you can see by looking at a Featherlite Weed Eater, there are no separate reservoirs for the oil and gas. All two-cycle engines use a mixture of gasoline and oil that is poured into the tank. The oil is required because it constantly lubricates the engine as the gasoline/oil mix is burned. If you try to use gasoline alone in a 2-cycle Featherlite Weed Eater, the engine will be damaged in minutes.

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