Business & Finance Blogging

Home Blogging Businesses

In these days of bad economics (at least for some), it's becoming increasingly popular to add another income source to the household.
Oftentimes these extra income efforts turn into full-time, very profitable businesses.
Others are just keeping busy, having fun, and enjoying life as never before.
The important thing is that they are doing something other than waiting for the government to give them a handout; they are improving their lot in life, and you can do it, too! Some begin the extra income proeject by exploring the world of mail order selling (especially eBay items), multi-level marketing, and in-home party sales.
But these aren't the only fields of endeavor you can start and operate from home, with little or no investment, and learn as you go.
For instance, if you can type, you can start a home-based typing service;if you have a truck or have access to a trailer, you can start a clean-up/hauling service.
Simply collecting old newspapers from your neighbors can get you started in the paper recycling business.
Of course, some basic market research would be wise.
Find out how many people in your area in terested inyour propsed product or service and also willing to pay for it.
But remember, that regardless of what kind of business you start, you must have the capital and the available time to sustain your business through the first six months of operation.
Specifically, you must not count on receiving or spending any money coming in from your business on yourself or for your bills during those first six months.
Once you've passed that first six months milestone, you can set up a small monthly salary for yourself, and begin enjoying the fruits of your labor.
With capital costs and time involvement, the allure of internet income is almost irresistible.
And the recent spike in popularity of blogs makes blogging for dollars even more of a yearned for income source.
Some first-rate blogging resources must include SEO Radio, CARP, Google's blog search (http://blogsearch.
), which will allow you to find all of your competitors, so you can analyze their traffic generation methods, http://www.
which offers a list of blogging directories and RSS directories to which you can submit your blog, and blogging programs themselves.
Blogging software programs like Blogger.
com and Wordpress are easy to use and easy to add nifty features.
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