Our bodies are so wonderfully designed, built to last a lifetime.
The human body is the only machine that should get stronger with use (exercise).
But it wasn't created to carry excess weight.
Many of the ailments that are currently affecting the population, such as diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, and joint problems (knee & hip) could be reduced or corrected with simple weight reduction.
How you feel about food may affect your health.
Most people with weight related health issues have struggled with this problem most of their adult life.
The cause may very well be a learned behavior from childhood.
Below are some of the "learned behaviors" that may be affecting your weight and ultimately your health.
As a child have you ever heard your parents say any of the following: "Do not get up from the table until you have finished all the food on your plate.
" or "You have to clean your plate, don't you know there are starving children in China?" or "You can't have any desert until you clean your plate" perhaps you have heard this one, "if you are good today, I will take you out for ice cream".
Little did our parents know that they were setting the stage for future eating habits, feelings and behaviors.
For the obese guilt and comfort are never healthy attitudes towards food.
Do these scenarios sound familiar? If so, don't be discouraged, on the contrary, be encouraged because knowledge is key! When you understand why you fill your plate, eat it all, and then stuffed, head for the desert table, you have half won the battle.
By keeping a food journal you can begin to define your eating patterns.
A simple notebook will do and keep up with the following entries each time you ingest something:
If you find you belong to the "Clean Plate Club" this one is very simple, change all your dinner plates to smaller plates.
A comfort eater? This one is a little more difficult, perhaps replacing the actual comfort food with something a little more nutritious such as air popped corn or yummy grapes or apples slices.
This article is not intended to provide medical advice.
If at anytime you feel your weight problems are beyond your abilities, seek out a medical professional to help you.
For some, fighting obesity will be a lifelong battle, but here are some words of wisdom...
You have not failed until you quit.
Never give up, NEVER EVER QUIT!
The human body is the only machine that should get stronger with use (exercise).
But it wasn't created to carry excess weight.
Many of the ailments that are currently affecting the population, such as diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, and joint problems (knee & hip) could be reduced or corrected with simple weight reduction.
How you feel about food may affect your health.
Most people with weight related health issues have struggled with this problem most of their adult life.
The cause may very well be a learned behavior from childhood.
Below are some of the "learned behaviors" that may be affecting your weight and ultimately your health.
As a child have you ever heard your parents say any of the following: "Do not get up from the table until you have finished all the food on your plate.
" or "You have to clean your plate, don't you know there are starving children in China?" or "You can't have any desert until you clean your plate" perhaps you have heard this one, "if you are good today, I will take you out for ice cream".
Little did our parents know that they were setting the stage for future eating habits, feelings and behaviors.
For the obese guilt and comfort are never healthy attitudes towards food.
Do these scenarios sound familiar? If so, don't be discouraged, on the contrary, be encouraged because knowledge is key! When you understand why you fill your plate, eat it all, and then stuffed, head for the desert table, you have half won the battle.
By keeping a food journal you can begin to define your eating patterns.
A simple notebook will do and keep up with the following entries each time you ingest something:
- Time of day
- Emotional state
- Location & Activity (table, TV, computer, car)
- Meal or snack?
- Name of Food and quantity
- Eating due to hunger or other? If other, can you identify?
- Did you eat until full or stuffed?
- Nutritious or junk food?
If you find you belong to the "Clean Plate Club" this one is very simple, change all your dinner plates to smaller plates.
A comfort eater? This one is a little more difficult, perhaps replacing the actual comfort food with something a little more nutritious such as air popped corn or yummy grapes or apples slices.
This article is not intended to provide medical advice.
If at anytime you feel your weight problems are beyond your abilities, seek out a medical professional to help you.
For some, fighting obesity will be a lifelong battle, but here are some words of wisdom...
You have not failed until you quit.
Never give up, NEVER EVER QUIT!