- 1). Figure out what you want your web page to look like. Do not get married to this idea, as you will quickly discover powerful tools and templates to really beautify your concept. Yet, do figure out the exact content you want to put on your site.
- 2). Decide what software you want to use. If you want to purchase software, Adobe Dreamweaver works wonderfully. Adobe also offers a free trial of this software. Otherwise, use a free online service such as Moonfruit. Moonfruit requires no HTML knowledge, which can be a benefit to you in simple design.
- 3). Create your site. Use some cool templates or create your own. You can also diversify your site with cool photographs available at stock photo sites.
- 4). Publish your easy web page. You can obtain a free website; however, the name of the site will have to be prefaced by the company providing the free service. For example, if you want your site to be named "mywebsite", you can get "abcd.com/myfreewebsite" for free. If you want the name to be "myfreewebsite.com", you would have to pay for the domain name.
Build an Easy Web Page