- 1). Clean the ceramic piece you wish to decorate using a clean rag dampened with water. A decal will not properly adhere to a dirty surface. However, do not clean the surface of your piece with alcohol. Doing so will dry the surface of your ceramic item too much and make your work more difficult.
- 2). Cut out your decal as carefully as possible. It's always best not to have sloppy edges.
- 3). Soak the decal in a bowl of warm water. The decal might or might not curl up. If it curls up, you can tell when it is ready to be used because it will begin to uncurl. If it does not curl up, you can tell when it is ready to be used by gently attempting to slide it with your fingers. If you can slide it, the decal is ready to be used. Be careful not to crease or tear the decal. You can usually use the decal after it has soaked between 30 and 60 seconds.
- 4). Position your decal against the ceramic piece backing side down and remove the backing. The best way to do this is to apply one edge of the decal first while sliding the backing away. Continue to slide away the backing, flattening your decal as you do so.
- 5). Use a decal squeegee or a damp sponge to remove any water trapped under your decal. It may be necessary to make several passes. Be careful but thorough. Trapped water will ruin the surface of the decal when the piece is fired.
- 6). Let the decal dry for several hours. To ensure the best result, let the decal dry at least 12 hours and as long as 24 hours.
- 7). Fire the newly decorated piece. If you are using a kiln, firing temperatures and times will vary depending on the type of kiln you use and the type of piece you are firing. You can expect to fire your piece somewhere between cone 015 and cone 018. If you are using your oven, it is best to follow the firing instructions that came with your laser decal paper.