- 1). Measure each door and window vertically and horizontally. Add 8 inches to each measurement in both directions. A 32-inch width becomes 40 inches, and a height of 36 inches becomes 44 inches.
- 2
Bertha storm panels, similar to these, can provide protection of the openings in your house.panels image by Yuriy Rozanov from Fotolia.com
Measure and cut the panels to sizes described in Step 1 for each of your doors and windows. If you have any side-by-side windows, cut one large panel to cover both. Use a fine-toothed saw blade to make straight, even cuts in this hard material. Sand all cut edges with 100 grit sand paper. - 3). Drill the holes into each panel. Start your holes 6 inches from the end of the panel and 1 inch in from the edge. Drill a hole every 18 inches around the entire panel.
- 4
When hurricane storm warnings are issued, Bertha panels should be installed quickly.hurricane image by cherry from Fotolia.com
Install the fiberglass strips into the flutes according to the diagrams that came with the Bertha panels. Insert the end caps to stop water and trash. Center each panel on its opening and mark the holes you have drilled through it. - 5). Lay the panel aside and drill the holes you just marked. Use the appropriate drill and bit for the surface you are drilling. Install the Tapcon SG into the holes using the Bertha hex socket. Slip a washer over each SG.
- 6
Bertha panels are far superior to these protection attempts.boarded up image by Yali Shi from Fotolia.com
Lift the panel onto the tapcons and attach with the supplied wing nuts. Use the white caps to cover the Tapcon SG when the panels are not installed. If you like, paint the white caps to match your exterior.