Health & Medical Lose Weight

Lose Belly Fat Naturally - 6 Easy Steps

Maybe you over indulged during the latest holiday season. Maybe your metabolism simply slowed down with age. Whatever the reason, here are 5 easy steps to help you lose belly fat naturally.

When you're frequently in a stressed-out state, your body produces excess amounts of the hormones cortisol, insulin, and adrenaline. Cortisol increases your appetite and signals your body to produce more fat. Insulin signals your body to store that fat, often in the belly. And adrenaline causes even more stress plus difficulty in sleeping.

One of the best ways to control stress is by regular meditation. Most experts recommend 20 minutes per day to begin. Search for "meditation techniques" and you'll find many online resources to teach you how. It's not difficult. Anyone can learn in a few minutes.

Take 5 to 6 small and balanced meals each day. Let your meals be comprised of foods from all the food groups every day. Consume a lot of fruits, whole grains and vegetables in a number of servings each day. Also include meat or dairy products in your diet each day or once in two days. When you take the right kind of foods in the correct amounts, you will be limiting the amount of energy stored which will become fat later on. Eating several times in a day increases your metabolism and helps you lose weight better than when you take three big meals in a day.

This was one of my biggest problems I had. I went from diet to diet so fast, I never knew what was what! Funny thing is, I'm not the only one out there who does this, either. Are you doing the same?

Going from diet to diet is only going to deter your weight loss goals. You need to have one solid plan to focus on. Simply pick something and remain dedicated to it if you want to lose belly fat fast! Yo-yo dieting will only add on pounds, not take them off. Remember that!

You've heard of these types of diets before - low carb, low calorie, low or no fat and other similar diets out there that restrict your daily food intake to nearly unhealthy levels. These type of diets are not only extremely dangerous, but any weight that is possibly lost is not healthy weight lost. Trust me - there is a MAJOR difference. You'll end up in even worse shape afterwards than before you started. Not only that, but these types of diets can have adverse effects on your body and your health!

Putting your health in jeopardy to lose a couple pounds quick is almost an oxymoron, isn't it? In other words, don't follow these diets!

If you want to be successful at losing belly fat quickly then you have to actually try removing general body fat first. As your body fat percentage goes down, your love handles should slowly start to vanish. However, you need to understand that body fat is actually stored fuel and the best way to remove that fuel is to burn it off.

Removing the gummy goo simply means avoiding those foods that are difficult or impossible for your body to process. Certain foods, such as cheese, are gooey, stretchy and hard for your body to pass. So, they accumulate in your bowels.

Another example of a type of food that is hard for your body to process is gluten. Any food that contains gluten is likely to clog up your system and cause bloating, constipation and an accumulation of fat. Hence, you should try to limit your intake of barley, wheat and oats. You should start to see results from that within a week.
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