Health & Medical Food & Drink

Learn More About Pure Drinking Water

Pure drinking water is a necessity not a luxury.
We all need it.
It is a basic requirement that every living thing has to have on this planet.
Where do we get pure drinking water from? The only way is to go to a remote point in the mountains and take it from a stream there.
Since that is not a possibility for most people we can run our water through filters and turn it into pure drinking water.
The water we get from the water company is definitely not pure.
There are contaminants in it including herbicides, pesticides and chlorine among others.
While limited exposure is safe, ingesting such chemicals has verified long term effects.
The water company puts in the chlorine to kill the bacteria that grows in the water while it is stored in the reservoir, while most is removed, a smaller amount is left to prevent bacterial buildup in the hundreds of miles of pipe spreading outward from the water treatment facility.
Ingesting chlorine causes headaches, respiratory problems, and allergies.
There is also a possibility of developing certain types of cancer as a result.
Pure drinking water can help us avoid these things.
Chlorine is very bad for us if ingested.
It little more than bleach, used in cleaning and other applications.
It is even the earliest form of chemical weapon, and we put it in our drinking water.
The fact it is required does not mean we cannot remove it, giving us pure drinking water.
Recently, chlorine resistant strains of bacteria have been found in our pipes.
They swim around contently in even the heaviest chlorine concentration, thumbing their noses at it.
We have to be wary of those bacteria so we have pure drinking water.
Pesticides and herbicides obviously can be dangerous for you, but they get into our drinking water.
Why would we drink water that contains that chemical? They were expressly designed for killing things.
Our motive is to live and be healthy.
So we should use filters to give us pure drinking water.
There are a number of healthy minerals in water.
Some water filtering devices remove them unnecessarily.
We want our minerals to stay in our water.
Pure drinking water should have minerals in it.
There are filters on the market today that will leave the minerals where they are.
The humanity is quite ancient and we have seen many technologies come and go.
There have been many attempts to filter water, some have been successful and some have not.
But today we not only have the technology to produce pure drinking water, but the technology to do so cheaply and easily.
It is very important that we put in the right things in our body.
The right food and the right water are very important to our lives.
We are constantly looking for the fountain of youth and pure drinking water is an easy and affordable step towards that end.
Why not take that step in whatever way you see fit?
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