Health & Medical Lose Weight

The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program Pdf

Do you want to lose fat and build lean muscle at the same time? Then look no further, Holy Grail Body Transformation is the program youve been waiting for. The Holy Grail Body Transformation program was written by Tom Venuto, professional bodybuilder since 1989. He has been both a fitness trainer, club manager and more recently a full time author, internet publisher and fat loss coach. He has written three published book about fat loss and muscle building and is considered an expert in the fitness industry. Venutos latest effort, the highly charged "TheHolyGrailBodyTransformation Program": How to gain muscle WITHOUT gaining extra fat (NO bulking up just lean gains). How to produce fat loss WITHOUT sacrificing the muscle! Learn how to gain muscle and lose fat simultaneously.
The workout element in The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program is based on lifting weights and combined with cardio. Tom Venuto shows how you can use carb and calorie cycling in ways to help you achieve various fat loss/muscle gain goals. You can choose to lose lots of fat and gain just a little muscle, build huge muscles and lose just a little fat, or go for a moderate fat loss/muscle gain together. Whichever you choose, you can pretty much create your own nutrition strategy to help. Holy Grail is an unparalleled new breakthrough in the world of fitness, combining 'cyclical dieting' and 'nutrient timing'. In the second section Venuto provides dieters with a detailed eating plan that is based on nutrient timing and nutritional periodization. You will also make adjustments in your daily nutrient intake and there is a particular emphasis on post-workout nutrition. When you know how to switch from one nutritional period to the other in an effective way, you can gain muscle one time and lose fat the other. This is what the Holy Grail Body Transformation teaches and why it's such a powerful concept. However, the program also teaches how to manipulate your hormones to make sure that your body doesn't burn muscle tissue when you're on a calorie deficit. By keeping your hormones in check, you can maintain muscle mass on your deficit days and increase it on your surplus days. As you're also losing fat on your deficit days, the end results is a simultaneous muscle gain and fat loss.
This program is tailored made for people with different types of fitness goals in mind. If you are trying to lose a couple of pounds, or you really want to build muscle mass but need to lose some pounds at the same time, this system would be suitable for you. To get the details on how to transform your body, build muscle and lose fat, read Holy Grail Body Transformation. It will change the way you see your weight loss journey and make you wonder why you waited so long to make the change.
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