Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

Auto Glass Replacement: Why It Is Very, Very, VERY Important

Auto glass replacement, or even repair, is not a topic that a lot of car owners will talk about with any enthusiasm.
Most of the times they'd like to brush it under the carpet, pretending that there isn't anything that needs to be fixed.
And when they grudgingly do come around to admitting that the windshield needs to be replaced, they will usually cut corners by choosing the lowest-price option in the market.
Sadly enough, not many car owners are aware of the serious repercussions that this decision could have, if they're ever involved in an accident.
In fact, poor quality windshield installed by untrained experts could cost you your life or put your near and dear ones in danger.
If there is a crash, the windshield could pop out, causing the roof of the car to cave in and crushing the people sitting inside the car.
Also, if your car has airbags and they deploy after the collision, the force exerted by them could blow out a low quality windshield and throw the passengers out on the road, reducing their chances of survival.
For these reasons, it's extremely important that you not only use original manufacturer's glass but also entrust the task of replacing the windshield to a certified and reliable car glass replacement service.
As any automobile expert will tell you, the windshield is a layer that keeps you protected inside the car and other elements outside it.
Wherever you might want to cut corners, this isn't it.
You have too much at stake here.
Just to save a little money, do not go to mechanics who set up holes in the wall near your house or round the corner from your workplace.
They do a shoddy job of 'slamming' a new windshield into your car and have little respect for any process or procedure.
Some of them don't even bother wearing gloves.
Why is that a big deal? Well, the grease and sweat from their hands prevent the adhesive from bonding properly with the glass.
Adding to their incompetence is the fact that, very often, they fail to use proper adhesives and bonding agents.
This leaves the car prone to leaks and rusting and makes it unsuitable for safe driving.
Even if it does take a little effort, get auto glass replacement done from experts who know their business and use original equipment glass.
They will follow the correct auto glass replacement process.
You will notice that the moulding is straight and there are no annoying smudges of adhesive inside the car or debris / dirt on the seat.
Moreover, being experts in replacing and repairing auto glass, they will not let you drive away immediately.
They understand the importance of letting the car sit for at least an hour after the windshield has been replaced and will advice against you using it.
If you have cracks or chips in your windshield, it's important to get it looked at immediately.
Research shows that driving around with a faulty windshield can impact your vision and slow down your response in emergencies.
Why take such a huge risk.
Seek out an expert in auto glass replacement and drive around the city safely and confidently.
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