Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

The Soul Is The Record of all Earth And Other Planetary Incarnations

The soul is the record of all Earth and other planetary incarnations. It is our subconscious mind that is like the computer chip, recording all our experience. At each moment we have within all the necessary tools for enlightenment. For each task, a different quality is tested, a test of reason or the heart. Each circumstance is a revealer of truth, where we stand on the understanding of various spiritual virtues. Our hearts are examined to see how much we can love a situation or person. We are constantly tried on our knowledge of Universal law, our willingness to cooperate with others, and our readiness to stay on "the path."

When we are confused or uneasy, it is a signal that something is not right, that we are going against our soul's mission to truth. Each experience and every word that is seen or heard are all signposts on the way to making a million right decisions.

When we are in the "flow," Spirit carries us up and down through life's experience. It is our divine mission to accept all as coming from the One Source. It is our ego self that fights the "flow" and points the finger at outer causes for our dilemma. The power begins in you and me. It starts in our thoughts and gains momentum through our emotions. The passion we feel for what we want creates anew. The imagination shapes and fuels our desires to be born only if they are for our highest learning at that moment.

Be still and realize that the God you seek is right within your bones. The mighty I AM presence is one with your Spirit. That part of you is eternal, immortal, and ageless.

Are we helpless pawns in a mass hysteria of delusion, or are we in fact powerful beings of light caught in material form. Have we not chosen to be here during the most exciting and frightening time of our Gaia - Earth? Hold on to your hats, it might be a bumpy ride. Chaos! Do we have to have all of it? Or is it just a shaking up, drowning out, firing up, spewing out, blowing apart, or freezing up of all that is dead, unkind, false, unrealistic, and trying?

There are two options. All of this means nothing, or, every mini second of time is God centered, God directed, and God loved. It has been written, "And I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth. For the first Heaven and first Earth had passed away." (Rev. 21) "As above, so below." ( Hermes, Thoth) Remember in the seeming confusion there is divine order. Be not afraid. Fear not.

©2009 Merry C. Battles

Passage from "Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days December 26-January 6"

by Merry C. Battles
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