Health & Medical Lose Weight

What Really Is The Cause And Solution For So Many Of Us Being Overweight?

There are so many misconceptions and misinformation about what proper exercise really is.
It is the most damaging concept among the general public, fitness centers and researchers.
This is especially true when it comes to weight loss and there is much confusion over what is the best type of exercise to get into good physical shape.
We all know that losing weight is virtually impossible without exercise, we also know that diets do not work 95 percent of the time.
We also know that the wrong type of exercise will also produce disappointing results.
Yet people continue to do all three things to try and lose weight - no exercise - dieting - or the wrong type of exercise.
Firstly let's look at the number one reason why two thirds of us are overweight.
Sure our food has become laden with unhealthy man-made sugars and fats and we eat too much of it.
But there is a deeper more underlying reason and it starts at our health and condition of our metabolic engine.
This is determined by the amount and type of activity we do and in our modern sedentary world there is no longer any natural activity that works our muscles regularly to keep them strong.
Fifty to one hundred years ago people were much more active just to do the tasks and chores of daily living.
Now with technology, cars and household appliances we literally can get through the entire day without 'moving a muscle'.
Somehow we seem to have forgotten that our body is programmed for this muscular activity, it is in our genetic blueprint and it is absolutely critical for us to stay healthy.
Without enough muscle building and maintaining activity we lose around one half pound of muscle tissue each year.
This is what makes us old, fat and sick well before our time.
There is only one type of exercise that will restore this withered muscle so the body can burn more fuel (calories) and that is proper strength training exercise.
You often hear ridiculous statements like 'just find an activity you like' or 'do something fun' 'something you enjoy' or 'walking is all you need'.
Well, I have news for you.
This is not going to cut it in any way, shape or form.
We all have legs and we all walk but what has this done to stop the epidemic of overweight and sick people that now number way more than the slim and healthy ones? Low intensity, long duration 'easy' activities of any sort will not work now and they will not work ever.
What are these so called 'experts' solutions now that they have misled people who are now being denied what they really need to do because they have mistakenly believed this nonsense? How are they going to re-educate these overweight sick people so they can lose the weight and restore their health before it is too late for them? Of course they will be hiding in the bunkers now, they have no solutions.
Well, I have one and one that will work 100 percent of the time.
Get yourself started on a proper strength training program and rebuild lost and disused muscle tissue.
This is what will get your metabolism (your bodies engine) boosted so your body can burn up that excess fat weight spoiling your appearance and risking your health.
Strength training exercise is so effective only 2-3 sessions each week are needed.
But make no mistake you will need to put some effort into it over a long period of time - like the rest of your life.
It will give you all you need to live your very best life helping you to lose excess fat weight and more importantly maintain its loss.
It will make you stronger, fitter, healthier, and happier with better physical, mental and emotional health.
The solution is the same for anyone in this world who is living a sedentary and inactive life - get your muscles working properly again and watch your life improve in every way.
But be aware no other type of activity can do all of these things so you need a proper strength training program first and foremost.
But guess what - you may even actually enjoy it as our body loves nothing move than to move its muscles and will thank you for it in a multitude of positive ways.
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