Video Transcript
Today I'm going to show you how to make shrimp cocktail. So we're going to add some salt to our water, give it flavor to our shrimp just a little amount of salt. Also I'm going to take some bay leaf, bay leaf will give it flavor and we're going to put about three or four leafs of bay leafs in there. Try to get full leafs cause you don't want to have to pick out all of your pieces later on cause you will have to pick this out. So I'm going to try to find a good one of course okay, three nice pieces of bay leafs and add that in. We're also going to put some seasoning salt, garlic powder and rosemary, garlic will give it a nice little taste you want it to have a nice little taste so we have a nice little bit of garlic powder. I always cook by eye, this you can't really add too much or too little because what will happen is just to give it a little flavor. Lastly a little seasoning salt all purpose seasoning salt, those are your ingredients. You can even put a can of beer and this a can of beer is good. When I come back we're going to get that to a rolling thundering boil, we're going to add our shrimps and see how quickly they cook and it's shrimp cocktail on Expert Village and it's great we're going to make it here today.