Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Lose Weight with Dr. Phil

Updated January 01, 2014.

If you haven't heard (and if so, we need to send someone over to check on you), Dr. Phil is the hottest thing on daytime TV since Oprah. While he's known for his straight-shooting on everything from relationships to eating disorders, Dr. Phil is tackling one of the biggest issues in American today: Obesity.

Dr. Phil's Weight Loss Challenge
This week, Dr. Phil unveiled his plan to help America lose weight.

Using the 7 steps listed in his new book, The Ultimate Weight Solution: The 7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom, Dr. Phil will guide 13 people through 10 months of weight loss. The participants will have cameras in their homes so we can watch their progress and get a peek into someone else's weight loss struggles for a change. Just like The Real World only a little more real. Dr. Phil bases his program on 7 keys that you must master to permanently lose weight:
  1. Understanding what you really think about yourself and your weight, learning how to have positive thoughts
  2. Deal with emotional eating
  3. Change your environment to promote success
  4. Deal with impulse eating
  5. Learn how to choose the right foods
  6. Learn how to exercise
  7. Set up a support system
Now, not to toot my own horn, but I'm way ahead of you Dr. Phil as I've covered many of these issues right here on this site...way before you did. If you want to see my own take on some of these issues, you're just a click away:

I'm just sayin'.
Take the Challenge
If you want to follow along, sign on to Dr. Phil's website and use his online tools to lose weight. Get information and tips for weight loss, follow along with the participants on the show, and use online diaries to keep track your eating. To get started:
Stay tuned for more on this when I review Dr. Phil's book.
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