- 1). Place the gate on the ground with the side that will swing inward facing up. Open the hinge and position the 8-inch leaf on one of the horizontal wood gate beams. Make sure the hinge itself is protruding away form the gate and is at least 1/8-inch off the end of the gate. If your gate does not have horizontal beams, use butterfly hinges instead and space them evenly down the edge of the gate.
- 2). Drill small pilot holes in the gate through the screw holes on the hinge. Use your screwdriver to install the hinge with 1-inch screws. Do the same for the second hinge on the second horizontal beam and a third if the fence is 6 feet tall.
- 3). Position the wood spacers on the ground where the gate will go. Use 1 or 2-inch spacers depending on how high your gate needs to be off the ground. Place the gate on the spacers so the small hinge leaves are against the wood and the hinges are between the gate and post.
- 4). Use a level to make sure the gate is completely straight and adjust your spacers if it is not. Drill pilot holes through the holes on the small hinge leaves and screw in the 1-inch screws. Once all the screws are in, remove the spacers and make sure the gate swings freely.
- 5). Install the base of the gate latch on the inside of the post opposite the one where the hinges are. The base should be on the same level as the highest horizontal wooden gate beam. Drill pilot holes and then screw the latch base into place. For wooden gates larger than 4 feet, you will need to install a different type of latch that can be opened from both sides. Refer to that latch's manual for installation instructions.
- 6). Place the rounded side of the latch bar into the larch in a locked position. Line the flat side of the latch bar up with the horizontal beam next it. Drill pilot holes and then screw the latch bar in place. You may need to hold the gate shut to get the bar in place.