- 1). Open your text editor. If you're using Notepad, click the Windows "Start" button, then type "Notepad" in the command text box that says "Start search."
- 2). Click the "File" menu heading, then click "Open." This displays the dialog box for navigating to files to open. Your editor may filter out HTML files by default, so you may not see them displayed.
- 3). Click the "All" item in the "Type" drop-down box. This tells the text editor to display files of all types, which enables you to see the HTML file you want to open.
- 4). Navigate to a folder containing a Web page you want to edit with the text editor.
- 5). Double-click a Web page's file name to load it into the text editor.
- 6). Read your editor's documentation to determine the menu of the "Word Wrap" feature, then click the menu to view the status of that feature. In Notepad, click the "Format" menu to see if the "Word Wrap" item has a check box next to it or not.
- 7). Click the "Word Wrap" item to turn if off if it's currently on. Otherwise, take no action. Word wrapping won't impact long lines in existing text in the Web page. However, the text editor will insert line breaks into any new lines you type that extend past the editing window's right edge. This effect won't impact the content displayed in most HMTL tags, but it does in some, such as "<pre>." This tag displays preformatted text.
- 8). Click the "Format" menu heading again, then click the "Font" command. Click a font that's easy for you to read.
- 9). Type a number in the "Size" text box to specify the number of points you want the HTML text to appear as. For example, type a "20" or higher number for text that appears large, which tends to makes editing easier. Click "OK" to close the "Font" dialog box.
- 10
Click the "Edit" menu's "Replace" item, then type "<I>" in the "Find" text box. - 11
Type "<B>" in the "Replace" text box, then click the "Replace All" button to tell your text editor to replace all instances of the opening italics tag with the opening bold tag. - 12
Repeat Step 11, except type "</I>" for the text to find, and "</B>" for the text to replace. This replaces all closing italics tags with closing bold tags. This step completes a common editing operation on HTML files -- replacing one tag with another.