If you want a six pack, the chances are that you are making crucial mistakes that are stopping you from ever getting the toned abs you desire.
The real secret to getting a six pack that most people will never tell you is that it is actually much simpler than you think.
The more complicated you make it the less likely you are to ever get a six pack.
What do I mean by that? Well, at its most basic level you can get a six pack simply by burning fat and building your ab muscles.
That's all there is too it.
What people don't realise is that these require different kinds of exercises and often a small lifestyle change when it comes to the right diet.
So what is the number one reason most people fail when trying to get a six pack? They attempt to "spot train.
" Spot training is when someone tries to get rid of the fat off a certain area of their body by exercising the muscles in that area.
This simply doesn't work.
To get rid of fat you have to get rid of it from the whole body.
For example, to get rid of belly fat you need to do lots of aerobic exercise to burn fat from all over your body.
Sit-ups or crunches can build your ab muscles but won't ever burn fat, so your six pack will never show.
That means no matter how many crunches you do, if that's all you're doing you will never have a six pack.
The real secret to getting a six pack that most people will never tell you is that it is actually much simpler than you think.
The more complicated you make it the less likely you are to ever get a six pack.
What do I mean by that? Well, at its most basic level you can get a six pack simply by burning fat and building your ab muscles.
That's all there is too it.
What people don't realise is that these require different kinds of exercises and often a small lifestyle change when it comes to the right diet.
So what is the number one reason most people fail when trying to get a six pack? They attempt to "spot train.
" Spot training is when someone tries to get rid of the fat off a certain area of their body by exercising the muscles in that area.
This simply doesn't work.
To get rid of fat you have to get rid of it from the whole body.
For example, to get rid of belly fat you need to do lots of aerobic exercise to burn fat from all over your body.
Sit-ups or crunches can build your ab muscles but won't ever burn fat, so your six pack will never show.
That means no matter how many crunches you do, if that's all you're doing you will never have a six pack.