Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Is Jogging Doing You More Harm Than Good?

The secret to a long and healthy life lies in eating a balanced diet and following an exercise routine that is ideal for your body.
Exercise is crucial for your body as it helps it stay in shape and promotes good organ functioning.
Safety Issues When people want to lose weight, the first thing they do is put on their sneakers, tie the laces and start jogging.
However, like any exercise routine you need to be sure that jogging is not doing you more harm than good.
There are certain key issues about this form of exercise that need to be considered before you put on your running shoes.
Most people consider jogging to be a safe activity that can be undertaken without expert advice or supervision.
If most people, who deal with weight issues, were to ask their doctors whether they should start jogging, the answer would usually be a strong no.
Like any exercise, jogging also needs to be performed under specific conditions.
Just because it is simple to put on your shoes and start jogging, does not mean you should.
Damage to the Body Jogging on hard surfaces such as the pavement or the road is harmful for the knees and ligaments.
It does your body more harm than good.
You could end up straining your knees and damaging the cartilage, and even endure stress fractures.
When it comes to exercise there is no keyword more important than safety.
People who are obese or over weight should be especially careful about the pressure that they put on their knees.
Experts say for every extra pound in the body, the knees take on the pressure of four pounds.
This causes stress and damage to the knees.
Experts say that it is potentially dangerous for people who are unfit, overweight or unaccustomed to exercise to suddenly take up an exercise such as jogging.
It is best avoided by people who suffer from heart disease, diabetes and obesity.
These risk factors are significantly reduced for regular joggers.
When Not to Jog There are some key issues that need to be considered when you are choosing one form of exercise over another.
Running, when it is hot and humid, can lead to dehydration and cause a heat stroke.
It is advised that pregnant women avoid activities such as jogging and running as it raises their heart rate and body temperature.
Things to Keep In Mind Walking is a safer alternative, and ideally recommended for people of all levels of fitness.
If you are inactive and overweight, it is wise to speak to a trainer or physical therapist before give jogging a try, or any exercise.
In case you suffer from conditions such as a heart condition, do speak to your doctor first.
It is vital that you choose the appropriate shoes, clothing and exercise environment before you begin a fitness schedule.
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