- 1). Grip the handle on the back of the system with one hand and pull out to release the adjustable pole that holds the rim at its current height. Berndsen said that although the specific shape and location of the handle can differ from one model to the next, they all work the same way, like a trigger. When you pull out the handle, you free the rim for movement.
- 2). Push up on the handle to raise the pole and thus lower the rim, or push down on the handle to lower the pole and raise the rim. Because the system is based on balance, the more you raise the back part, the more you lower the front (the the backboard and rim).
- 3). Release the handle when the rim is at the desired height. Systems differ somewhat in how high or low you can place the rim, but for the most part the adjustments are made in 6-inch increments and the rim can be as low as 7 feet and as high as the regulation 10 feet.