- Synthetic oils have molecules that are identical in shape. With shorter, uniform carbon chains, the synthetics provide higher resistance to mechanical stress and heat, as testing by the American Society of Testing Materials has shown. Petroleum oils have longer chains that break down under similar conditions.
- Petroleum molecules gel and become sticky at low temperatures. Synthetics flow better, providing better protection at low as well as high temperatures, according to Don Stevens at BimmerZone.com.
- More breakdown products form from petroleum oils, resulting in a sludge that builds up in engines and reduces operating efficiency, according to MiniTruckinweb.com.
- A synthetic oil change can cost about four times the price of a petroleum oil change, which averages about $20. However, because synthetics last 6,000 to 10,000 miles compared to 3,000 to 5,000 miles with petroleum oils, the price difference decreases over time.
- Fewer oil changes with synthetics mean fewer waste disposal problems and less potential harm to the environment.
Basic Molecules and Heat
Low Temperatures
Environmental Advantages